Search results

  1. Y

    Converter for files 2GB and above

    PHP 2GB limitation maybe?
  2. Y

    I was hacked?

    Please do not accuse the FHS of being at fault unless you have 100% definitive proof to back up your accusations. If the shell scripts would have been uploaded via the script, the file extensions would have been removed, the name changed to a md5 string (eg: 435ed7e9f07f740abf511a62c00eef6e)...
  3. Y

    White Page by clicking Register or anything...

    Make sure you have mcrypt installed in you php installation.
  4. Y

    View pages: HTML vs Php

    mod_rewrite is an apache module which needs to be loaded into apache. Ask your host to do it if you're not sure how to do it. You can check your hosting by downloading the following script, un-zip it, upload it to your webspace open it in your browser...
  5. Y

    View pages: HTML vs Php

    .html is the default extension controlled by the script and .htaccess, its more SEO friendly than php.
  6. Y

    Upload not work

    Have a look for the default translations in /themes/flow/templates/partial/ You will be able to find all the default translation text there. Example: <?php echo t('drag_and_drop_files_here_or_click_to_browse', 'Drag &amp; drop files here or click to browse...'); ?>
  7. Y

    problem with chaging name of admin floder

    I just changed it without problems on version 4 The line in that need changing is 174. define('ADMIN_FOLDER_NAME', 'admin'); It can be changed to something like this define('ADMIN_FOLDER_NAME', 'somefoldername'); Make sure you do not delete the ' before and after the new folder...
  8. Y

    404 Not found on new VPS

    Check you uploaded the .htaccess file from the downloaded zip file (you might need to show hidden files to see it).
  9. Y

    rewards Plugin
  10. Y

    Problem Plugin

    Coffee is correct, that is a 3rd party plugin and support is not available for that here.
  11. Y

    reCaptcha Sstyle, how to change?

    Try this: Open /core/includes/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php Find on line 122: return '<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $server . '/challenge?k=' . $pubkey . $errorpart . '"></script> Replace with: return '<script>var RecaptchaOptions = {theme : \'white\'};</script><script...
  12. Y

    files not uploading

    Usually problems like that are due to incomplete/corrupted/missing .js files, make sure you re-upload them in binary mode
  13. Y

    missing files when downloading new 4.0

    They're in the themes/"theme"/templates/ folder now.
  14. Y

    Language Flags move to top of the site

    How about something like this?
  15. Y

    Can't register! Class 'passwordpolicy' not found?

    I've emailed Adam with the details so he can update the release code. For those of you using the Blue v2 theme and having issues with people not being able to register. (until Adam can update the release code). In /themes/blue_v2/templates/register.html Find the line (Approx line 120)...
  16. Y

    Can't register! Class 'passwordpolicy' not found?

    That means that you still have beta release code on your site. The final release code uses passwordPolicy::generatePassword () without problems on my localhost and live development site.
  17. Y

    Can't register! Class 'passwordpolicy' not found?

    Ensure that the "passwordPolicy.class.php" is uploaded to your /core/includes/ directory.
  18. Y

    replace all "%20" with a space

    1, The "%20" is unicode for a space, if you used a space in the url, it would break the url. 2, As previously stated, they are hoping for the end of this week ( 3, No, v3.5.3 plugins will not work on v4, they need updating...
  19. Y

    Custom Movie logos

    Post moved to RFC's