Search results

  1. Y

    plugin antivirus

    This would have to be done via the PHP CLI as there are no inbuilt functions for clamav, something which I don't have any experience in.
  2. Y

    Download files being indexed

    Remove the "Allow: /" as its not part of the robots.txt standards.
  3. Y

    Download files being indexed

    Shouldn't be possible unless your users are posting links on a publicly accessible site where Google has access to the links. You could also do the following: robots.txt User-agent: * Disallow: /files/
  4. Y

    plugin antivirus

    I'm sure I could create something which would work. (If I had a hosting account which has clamav installed into php).
  5. Y

    File Leech

    Yes, all the plugins on my site work with the latest version of Yetishare
  6. Y

    File Leech

    See this:
  7. Y

    Scrip did not delete files from Remote Servers

    I really wish I could help you out, but I do not have access to the ticket system and no one at MFScripts is replying to emails. You're as much in the dark as I am at the moment.
  8. Y

    problem adding a direct server

    What is your line 14 of unexpected '");' in on line 14
  9. Y

    Activar la descarga

    Hola Se puede tomar hasta 24 horas para que su compra sea verificada y activado. Su pedido será procesado pronto. Mi español es malo porque yo uso traductor Google.
  10. Y

    upgrading from v4 to v4.0.1

    Back up your files and database IMPORTANT Upload the v4.0.1 files from the zip file EXCEPT Run the MySQL queries in /install/resources/upgrade_sql_statements/v4.0 - v4.0.1.sql
  11. Y

    plugin torrent in debian

    I do not have access to the ticket system so unfortunately I can't help you
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    some help need of download big file

    As newsub said, you need to increase the memory size in php.ini Something like memory_limit = 2048M
  13. Y

    plugin torrent in debian

    The forums are user 2 user support, if you want official support open up a support ticket from this link:
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    need some help of reward plugin and skrill plugin

    Did you change it via the translations section in the admin control panel?
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    need some help of reward plugin and skrill plugin

    You would need custom coding to enable those features, submit a support ticket to see if Adam can help you >
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    problem when downloading - X-Accel-Redirect enabled

    He might not have the fix if Adam fixed it for him ;)
  17. Y

    problem when downloading - X-Accel-Redirect enabled

    The forums are more user to user support, if you want official support, submit a support ticket via this link:
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    Theme - Above the Clouds 2x bugs

    This is not a Yetishare theme, you need to contact the original author of the theme as it says on the website.
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    torrent instructions for centos

    That means that libssl is not installed try yum install openssl
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    json php file for mobile device sdk login

    Try something like: <?php header('Content-type: application/json'); include_once('core/includes/'); if($_REQUEST) { // clear any expired IPs bannedIP::clearExpiredBannedIps(); // do login $loginUsername = trim($_REQUEST['username']); $loginPassword =...