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  1. Y

    New Amazing Yetishare Themes

    MFScripts and its staff/moderators can not, and will not get involved in 3rd party transactions, problems and/or issues. You will need to discuss this with each other either via the PM system or via email. Thread closed
  2. Y

    New Yetishare Themes

    MFScripts and its staff/moderators can not, and will not get involved in 3rd party transactions, problems and/or issues. You will need to discuss this with each other either via the PM system or via email. Thread closed
  3. Y

    Plugin File Leech

    You need the correct path to plowdown. Just guessing will not work. And for paths in unix you always need a / before anything. If its in "plowdown" then the path will be define ('PLOWDOWN_PATH', '/plowdown');  Btw I'm not Adam. :)
  4. Y

    Plugin File Leech

    See this thread:
  5. Y

    Payment Gateways Plugin Released:
  6. Y

    Payment Gateways gateway released: gateway released: Coming later this week is the gateway plugin
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    Need new payment getway

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    Need new payment getway

    I am waiting to hear back from them to see if they have the full documentation in English
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    Need new payment getway

    The problem is that the API documentation is in Polish and not english.
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    The problem with RapidLeech is that it is a complete standalone script without an API, whilst Plowshare is a CLI with an API which any script can connect to.
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    Payment Gateways

    I've started working on a plugin for this payment gateway :D
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    Premium Expired date

    The MySQL TIMESTAMP value has a range of ’1970-01-01 00:00:01′ UTC to ’2038-01-19 03:14:07′ UTC. Might've been better to use the DATETIME value as the supported range is '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59'.
  13. Y

    Setup admin URL during install

    I disagree pilot. To aid on security hardening the sites, a custom admin cp url is necessary as /admin/ is too obvious. If it was up to me I would also use a separate login and captcha procedure for the ACP so that the main site and ACP do not use the same cookies. That is just asking for...
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    Client Notes

    The tick box is easy enough to do, in fact I've just finished it :) The header link is quite a bit more difficult due to the way the ACP seems to cache the menu items.
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    Client Notes

    Something like this?
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    Client Notes

    I did have a mod a long time ago which did this, I will look to see if I can find it and update it for the latest version.
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    Sessions not being carried over all servers.

    LOL the joys of technology :D :D :D
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    [Urgent] Need script performance optimization..

    Load balancing is how the big sites deal with the traffic. Plus a seperate dedicated database server.
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    Download bug

    Have to wait on Adam to release a bug fix
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    Download bug

    The file edit is NOT guaranteed to work, however it did stop the immediate downloading of files without a token on my dev site. Open /includes/class.file.php Find: // remove session if (isset($_SESSION['showDownload'])) { $clearSession = true; // fixes android snag which requests files...