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  1. Y

    New Yetishare v3.4 Beta - Troubleshooting

    Password protection has always been in the "Options" section on the file upload page. v3.3 v3.4
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    converting database to innodb

    No way afaik to do the entire db in one go, only on a per table level. But read this first > ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;
  3. Y

    User Mass Edit Folder (front-end)

    I've a modification for that, however my site is down at the moment until the DNS finishes changing
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    How do i select all files to get the BB code

    You need to use jQuery to do it.
  5. Y

    Must Be In Root

    It doesn't. It can be in root, sub-domain or directory.
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    This? <li> <a href="#"><img src="../settings.png" class="settings_page" alt="Settings" /></a> <ul> <?php if (($Auth->loggedIn() == true)): ?> <li><a href="#" class="unknown">VISIBLE FOR USER</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="unknown">VISIBLE FOR USER</a></li> <?php endif; ?>...
  7. Y


    Try this <!-- PANEL START --> <?php if($Auth->loggedIn() == false): ?> <div class="toppanel"> <div class="page"> <div class="tab"> <ul class="lr"> <li class="left"></li> <li class="welcome_guest">Hallo Gast!</li> <li class="line">|</li> <li> <a href="<?php...
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    2 step registration confirmation

    I'd like to see a 2 step registration confirmation in the future. User signs up for an account. Script emails a validation link which the user has to click to validate their email address. When clicked, the script either confirms or refuses the hashed code in the URL. If successful, the users...
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    Download limitations

    Would be good to be able to limit the number of downloads in a set time frame. EG: Number of total downloads an IP address/user can make in 24 hours. Ability to limit the total download and the time limit.
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    I didn't understand your documentation

    I do not see any problem
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    I didn't understand your documentation

    You have to upload that file (fonts.sql) to your MySQL database manager (PHPMyAdmin) to import the database. cPanel instructions > Plesk Instructions > DirectAdmin Instructions >...
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    SQL execution error!

    Its not really anythng to do with the yetishare script as its a perl file issue but the answer should be in the link below.
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    logo smaller

    Open _header.php Find: <a href="<?php echo getCoreSitePath(); ?>"><img src="<?php echo SITE_IMAGE_PATH; ?>/main_logo.jpg" height="48" alt="<?php echo SITE_CONFIG_SITE_NAME; ?>"/></a> Replace the height="48" with what you want
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    Error https, www and .hmtl

    I'm not sure if thats possible, maybe with it is with .htaccess
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    logo smaller

    What exactly do you want doing?
  16. Y

    Error https, www and .hmtl

    https is working in /* main configuration file for script */ define("_CONFIG_SITE_HOST_URL", ""); /* site url host without the http:// and no trailing forward slash - i.e. or */ Should be /* main configuration file for script...
  17. Y

    Payment method and currency

    Open Find: <?php echo SITE_CONFIG_COST_CURRENCY_SYMBOL; ?><?php echo number_format(str_replace(",", "", constant('SITE_CONFIG_COST_FOR_' . $day . '_DAYS_PREMIUM')), 2); ?> Replace with: <?php echo number_format(str_replace(",", "", constant('SITE_CONFIG_COST_FOR_' . $day...
  18. Y

    Payment method and currency

    Run this query (But I thought the Turkish Lira short code was TRY?) UPDATE `site_config` SET `availableValues` = '["USD", "GBP", "EUR", "TL"]' WHERE `config_key` = 'cost_currency_code';
  19. Y

    Payment method and currency

    Configuration > Site Settings > Select "Premium Pricing" from the drop down list
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    Problem with Max Size File Upload

    Did you restart apache after editing the php.ini file?