Hi Adam,N.B : YetiShare v3.4 Beta - Now Available! - http://forum.mfscripts.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=923
Non-User / Free User / Paid User are now separated
- Support for chunked uploads if supported by browser. Bypasses PHP limits and any tmp folder size restrictions. (excellent - work like a charm )
My congratulations for the v3.4 Beta release! As the new features and options are very exciting, i tried to install and test the new script to catch bugs. Here below some issues (browser IE11/Chrome/FF | Server CentOS6/Plesk11.5).
New file management area for users:
- Session handler issue : * intermittent disconnection after some click in tree folder nav (can't do further action or delete files in trashcan : a click trigger a log out / file never deleted)
* _account_home_v2_file_listing.ajax.php need a review to fix session handling, it causes the disconnection.
- Need Ctrl/Click mass file delete (the mass link copy work well).
- Copy file link [copy file] not show up in download plugins (- Added option to copy file into your account on the file details page (~i page). Can not be used for password protected files.)
- Can't find the option to protect file with password (the same in v3.3).
- Uploader : Can't see any Progress bar indicators on remote file upload. (is this the spinner ?)
- After deleting image files : Image file not erased in plugin/imageviewer/site/cache folder.
- After deleting any files : The parent folder container not erased or deleted. (ex: /files/034G/_myfiles_.ext, only the file is deleted but not the folder container, in /file/ we always have /files/034G/empty)
- database_browser.php?file=plus.gif return blank space not the images.(ex: database_browser.php?file=plus.gif&version=3.7.1)
---- To be continued ---
- As the filemanager and the core changes are a big break from previous version (v3.2/v3.3), i just want to ask if there is a possibility to get the DIFF FILES v3.3 to v.3.4. That will enormously help members that had customized their yetishare based website to do the upgrade without any trouble.
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