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  1. Y

    plugin payement wall

    They do not accept file sharing sites
  2. Y

    please help me

    What do you mean by "server 2 hdd"? If you mean that you want to set up the script on a seperate server hard drive, then that is beyond the scope of our support as that is a server setting which is nothing to do with the script itself. It could be a setting in the server control panel for the...
  3. Y

    error plugin YSM News & Top Files

    Its working perfectly on my test server, If you can PM me admin login details then I'll take a look
  4. Y

    ftp plugin error accent

    Because it is the weekend and a lot of companies do not work weekends
  5. Y

    email utf8 error

    Navigate to /includes/email_class/ and open class.phpmailer.php Find on line 56: public $CharSet = 'iso-8859-1'; Change to: public $CharSet = 'utf-8'; This is set as default in the next release
  6. Y

    file type logo

    You need to make several copies of each file in the sizes listed in the folder names, then copy them into the correct folder.
  7. Y

    file type logo

    You'll most likely need to add files into the folders in the \themes\blue_v2\images\file_icons\ directory matching the extension you want to use (eg: mp3.png)
  8. Y

    YSM Vouchers

    The updated version has now been uploaded and is available to download from your member area
  9. Y

    YSM Vouchers

    Issue has been fixed and both members in the thread above have been sent the updated files. Updated files have also been sent to Adam, so as soon as he uploads them to the customer area, they will also be available there too.
  10. Y

    YSM Vouchers

    PM me admin and FTP access and I'll take a look
  11. Y

    Htacces blocking ip

    Your formatting is wrong, plus: "Deny from" will only block 1 ip address. You need to use the * wildcard or the block numerator ( Order Allow,Deny Deny from 186.*.*.* Allow from all As for ip ranges for different countries, there are lots of sites where you can...
  12. Y

    New member register not send email

    If it is not sending via php or smtp. Try uploading the files again, if still not working, then I would guess that it is a server or firewall issue
  13. Y

    Problem connecting to the database

    Closed due to a duplicate thread here:
  14. Y

    Problem connecting to the database
  15. Y

    what's going on with yetisharemods?

    Really? you send the private message at 2:05am and expect me to be awake, then complain on here because I have not been online to send it to you. Message sent.
  16. Y

    what's going on with yetisharemods?

    No I do not have any of the older plugins as the user permissions code was changed and the newer code will not work with v3.3. All my dev copies of the plugins only work with 3.4 and later.
  17. Y


    Did you try changing this in _header.php <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> to <html xmlns="" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
  18. Y

    what's going on with yetisharemods?

    Version 3.3 is not supported anymore. Only the current version is supported.
  19. Y


    I think the capitalization is controlled in the screen.css file Look for: text-transform: lowercase; and edit it out, you may however, need to edit each section in the translations area to include the capitalized letters
  20. Y

    add torrent mod

    There is major security implications with torrentflux, I have used it and analysed the code and it is no way secure, plus it requires certain functions in PHP to be enabled, which should be disabled for security reasons. PHP was never designed to work with torrents, or any web based torrent...