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  1. Y

    Generated urls does not work

    Make sure you have uploaded the .htaccess file included in the zip file. You may need to show hidden files to see it.
  2. Y

    Edit link

    Moved to the RFC's for review
  3. Y

    ERROR: There was a server problem when attempting the upload

    Re: ERROR: There was a server problem when attempting the up Check the items in this topic
  4. Y

    General Question

    1, You can have both remote storage servers and production servers, i: storage servers only store the files and the main site server does all the work in sending and retrieving the files ii: Production servers both store and serve the files. main site would be production server...
  5. Y

    Randomized Folder URL's instead of incremental

    As it currently is, the folders are listed incrementally, it would be better if the URL's was random letters/numbers. This would help to prevent users from viewing folders which although are not private or password protected, they shouldn't have access to the URL. As it currently is...
  6. Y

    3.4 release

    From what I 've been told, its due by the end of the month
  7. Y

    Changing Admin Path

    open /includes/ Find on line 133: define('ADMIN_FOLDER_NAME', 'admin'); Change it to whatever you want example: define('ADMIN_FOLDER_NAME', 'some_hidden_folder_name');
  8. Y

    Cookie functionality

    I removed the "//" from the front of those lines mentioned above in class.auth.php and can log in for more than 30 minutes, even after closing and re-opening the browser (including overnight) I am still logged in. Open class.auth.php and find //$s = json_encode(array('un' => $un, 'pw' => $pw))...
  9. Y

    per language a logo

    I will move this to the RFC's
  10. Y

    Social Media Login Plugin

    It's lines 37,38,39 of the _footer.php file, its definitely there as I just checked the v3.3 download
  11. Y

    Download stopped working

    I would suggest searching through the server error_logs to see if there's any issues that might be causing it. I also created this thread as it was a different issue to the one that you originally posted in.
  12. Y

    Mail in HTML format ?

    I would suggest trying to learn the basics of html and php if you really want to run a successful website. $defaultContent .= "[[[SITE_NAME]]] Admin"; $defaultContent .= "<br/><br/>advert code here";
  13. Y

    After payment members still showing as free users?

    There are several customers using the paypal plugin without problems, so it has to be the settings in your paypal account not returning the correct info for the plugin to update the user account. Adam has just come back from a weekend break and is trying to catch up with support requests, but...
  14. Y

    Failed to request file, possible ajax issue

    Is it when you are using the remote file uploader? (Uploading files from another site). If it is, then you must url encode the links. See this link for more info:
  15. Y

    urls for non/free users

    <div style="font-size: 12px; text-align:left; padding-top: 14px;"> <a href= "file_direct_url" install_name="(file_name)" install_type="setup" install_size="(file_zise)" onclick="form.submit();">Download!</a> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1"/> <input type="hidden" name="d"...
  16. Y

    Mail in HTML format ?

    Open _updateFileOptions.ajax.php Edit the following: $defaultContent .= "Copies of your urls, which completed uploading on [[[UPDATE_COMPLETED_DATE_TIME]]] are below:<br/><br/>"; $defaultContent .= "[[[FILE_URLS]]]<br/><br/>"; $defaultContent .= "Regards,<br/>"; $defaultContent .=...
  17. Y

    Problem with using nginx on fileserver

    These look suspect to me, but I don't know anything about nginx client_max_body_size 200M; client_header_timeout 3m; client_body_timeout 3m; send_timeout 3m; Look here for ngix info
  18. Y

    Upload limit issue

    Try copying the custom php.ini to the /admin/ directory too.
  19. Y

    How to restrict download in media player plugin to Premium

    Re: How to restrict download in media player plugin to Premi This will work for v3.3+ The modified code will allow the admin and paid users to download as normal, but free users will be shown the upgrade page in a new window (keeping the original page open should they upgrade their account and...
  20. Y

    Upload limit issue

    Following the settings in this thread should help: