Search results

  1. Y

    i want banned ip
  2. Y

    i want banned ip

    I would not recommend it as there are millions of IP addresses in the usa, But if you want to ban the USA then look at the IP address list here:
  3. Y

    Logo and Skins for JW Player Pro

    You have a PM will full instructions Timmy :)
  4. Y

    Logo and Skins for JW Player Pro

    Hi Tim, Did you look in the JW documentation? As it should explain in there :)
  5. Y

    i want change title

    Search for "index_page_name" in the translations
  6. Y

    How to restrict download in media player plugin to Premium

    Re: How to restrict download in media player plugin to Premi Try this <?php echo safeOutputToScreen($file->originalFilename); ?>&nbsp;&nbsp; <?php if ((int) $pluginSettings['show_download_link'] == 1): ?> <?php if ($Auth->hasAccessLevel(2)) { echo '<a...
  7. Y

    Delete Multiple Fonts

    This modification enables you to delete multiple fonts from the "Manage Fonts" page in the Admin control panel. Screenshots: On the manage fonts page you will see a new column in the table with a checkbox (As shown below), this allows you to select the fonts that you want to delete. At the...
  8. Y

    Batch Of Uploading

    It is not available yet. It is being tested by MFScripts to make sure that there are no bugs or issues with it.
  9. Y

    Batch Of Uploading

    Yes it will be a paid plugin if it is released
  10. Y

    Font Categories

    Just the words "font categories"? Open _header.php Find and delete: <a href="<?php echo WEB_ROOT . "/c/0/"; ?>" onClick="toggleCategories(); return false;"><?php echo t("font_categories"); ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;
  11. Y

    Delete the download-queue button

    1, Open Find: $html[] = " <div class='downloadButton'>"; $html[] = " <div id='queueButton" . (int)$fontData['id'] . "' class='downloadButtonElement' title=\"".t("add_to_download_queue", "Add to download queue")."\" onClick=\"toggleDownloadQueue(" ...
  12. Y

    Batch Of Uploading

    I have written a plugin which has just been sent to Adam to be tested, if all goes well, it will be online on the main site within a few days/week.
  13. Y

    Rewrite on Nginx (version 3.5.x)

    Re: Rewrite on Nginx Login to ssh as root and run these commands to install nginx cd /usr/local/src wget tar xf nginxadmin.tar cd publicnginx ./nginxinstaller install Uninstall Instructions: cd /usr/local/src wget...
  14. Y

    Database connection error

    Did you upload the new that came in the zip file without transferring the DB connection details from the old config file?
  15. Y

    Font Categories

    Post it here
  16. Y

    Font Categories

    Open _header.php Find on line 104: <div id="categoryBar" class="categoryBar" style="display:<?php echo (defined("NO_JS_DISPLAY_CATS") ? "block" : "none"); ?>;"> Replace with: <div id="categoryBar" class="categoryBar" style="display:<?php echo (defined("NO_JS_DISPLAY_CATS") ? "none" : "block")...
  17. Y

    joomla,vbulletin and wordpress plugin

    What do you want the plugin to do? We need more details on what the plugin is for, and what you want it to do.
  18. Y

    PHP question please

    <?php if ($Auth->hasAccessLevel(2)): ?> // do something <?php endif; ?>
  19. Y

    Reseller [Vouchers Plugin]

    Moved to RFC's for review in the next release of the plugin