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  1. Y


    All users are subscribed from the start, they receive a link in the email that's sent to them to unsubscribe
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    recapatcha is not working

    Submit a support ticket with admin control panel details and temp FTP access and I'll take a look.
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    https (SSL) disables iFrame & Css

    Did you change the _CONFIG_SITE_PROTOCOL in define("_CONFIG_SITE_PROTOCOL", "http"); define("_CONFIG_SITE_PROTOCOL", "https");
  4. Y

    Upload is not working after upgrade V4.0.1

    Edit /themes/flow/templates/partial/ Line 28 document.domain = '<?php echo coreFunctions::removeSubDomain(_CONFIG_CORE_SITE_HOST_URL); ?>'; Change to document.domain = ''; Your domain WITHOUT the http://www, section. ONLY We're working on a...
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    Connection problem after installing of script

    Send in a support ticket from your registered email address and provide login details for script admin area and cpanel and we'll take a look during office hours today.
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    Payment Gateways

    If you can find the correct api to use out of the 23 api's they have on their site. I will happily make one for allopass
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    Converter for files 2GB and above

    Because PHP installed on a 32bit OS has a 2GB limit of int(2147483647) while 64GB has a limit of int(9223372036854775807)
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    Adverts not displayed

    Try using the correct protocol <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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    Converter for files 2GB and above

    32bit or 64bit Operating systems?
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    Connection problem after installing of script

    You can download it from the members area.
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    Connection problem after installing of script

    File does not exist is the problem, it seems you didn't upload all of the files. Re-upload everything except
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    Connection problem after installing of script

    Check the database details in the file to see if they're correct.
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    Premium Days

    You can only do that in the database at the moment.
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    CAPTCHA in report url

    You have to remove the sections containing "SITE_CONFIG_SHOW_CAPTCHA_ON_CONTACT_FORM " Like I've shown below // check captcha if(!isErrors()) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { setError(t("invalid_captcha", "Captcha confirmation text is...
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    CAPTCHA in report url

    Take a look at the code on the contact page
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    'File removed due to inactivity' Error

    Thats why i gave the file path in my post above :roll: The /files/_deleted/ directory contains all the expired and user deleted files. The files in there are automatically deleted by one of the background tasks (cronjobs).
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    It will might be added in the next development cycle, the shorturl script has just had an update and there's other scripts that need updating and other development work that takes priority until the next dev cycle comes round.
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    FTP Upload Support Plugin Problem

    Check that the IP addresses are allowed in both servers for incoming and outgoing connections
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    White Site with "Top Bar" Ads

    My site shouldn't work at all with any version of the script as my site specifically blocks Framed access. That's what the .htaccess rule I posted above does .
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    'File removed due to inactivity' Error

    In /admin/ajax/file_manage_bulk_delete.ajax.php Find: $rs = $file->removeBySystem(); Change it to $rs = $file->removeByAdmin();