Search results

  1. Y

    Template Error [4.0.1]

    You have to log out then re-login in for it to change due to php sessions
  2. Y

    Template Error [4.0.1]

    There is nothing wrong with that code, as this line <?php echo t('account_type_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $Auth->level), UCWords($Auth->level)); ?> Displays the user level. I suggest you look up account_type_ in the translations and see what they say Should be as shown in the image below
  3. Y

    Report abuse email issue

    This should work coreFunctions::sendHtmlEmail(SITE_CONFIG_REPORT_ABUSE_EMAIL, $subject, $htmlMsg, SITE_CONFIG_REPORT_ABUSE_EMAIL, strip_tags(str_replace("<br/>", "\n", $htmlMsg))); coreFunctions::sendHtmlEmail($reported_by_email, $subject, $htmlMsg, SITE_CONFIG_REPORT_ABUSE_EMAIL...
  4. Y

    Report abuse email issue

    Just copy the email section and edit the php variables so it sends to the submitter too
  5. Y

    multiple fonts upload
  6. Y

    Yeti share update

  7. Y

    Plugin superrewards gateway

    Contact me on my website
  8. Y

    Account Lock (Security)

    Coming in v4.1
  9. Y

    Language Flags move to top of the site
  10. Y

    File uploader and downloader for file upload site

    Webdav plugin?
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    Webmoney payment gateway

    If you have an account that I can access then I can make one Only reason I have not done one before is because WM do not allow people from the UK or USA to register
  12. Y

    Paymentwall payment gateway

    No idea, its their site so you need to ask them
  13. Y

    How to remove all sections bellow the upload button ( Flow Theme ) ?

    Edit /themes/flow/templates/partial/ Remove <!-- LAYER NR. 2 --> <div class="tp-caption sfb customout" data-x="center" data-y="150"...
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    URLs are redirecting to sites without timer page

    Change the redirection type in the admin area
  15. Y

    Issue with captcha - No Recaptcha

    3.4.1 fixes the captcha issues
  16. Y

    Set Premium

    You need to import the shorturl_v3.4_to_3.4.1.sql file into your database using phpmyadmin or similar
  17. Y

    Payment Gateway Plugins

    I've just created 5 Payment Gateway Plugins which are compatible with the Wurlie shorturl script v3.4.x The gateways are: TransferUJ PayU Payeer Coinbase ( Full information can be found here: If you...
  18. Y

    Global Folder

    No not possible
  19. Y


    Did you update the recaptcha keys in the admin area to use the new recaptcha keys PM me your site info and I'll take a look (admin access and FTP info)