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  1. E

    Media Converter - Changing concurrent conversions per server

    I don't have this plugin, but to change the concurrent downloads on the remote upload you need to change the sql query just bellow the definition of the constant. I believe this plugin uses the same mechanism.
  2. E

    Multiple links on remote upload doesn't work

    Hello. I just noticed that the remote upload feature only downloads the first file in the list when the script is configured to perform the downloads in background. Here is the cause: In the file the javascript function urlUploadFiles is called. This function make a...
  3. E

    File icon for rmvb

    Thanks but this icon isn't like the others on the script. I'm trying to follow the pattern.
  4. E

    File icon for rmvb

    Hello, There is no file icon for rmvb files. I tried to create one manually but it didn't end very well. Do you guys have the icon for rmvb files? If you don't, can you send me the editable file for the mpeg icon so I can change it to rmvb?
  5. E

    Security issue with brute force attacks

    This will just block ips from normal users who forget their passwords. You should comment the line Auth::clearSessionByUserId($row['id']); in the attemptLogin function in the Auth class.
  6. E

    Security issue with brute force attacks

    The script has a feature to log failed login attempts and block ips after X attempts. However, when the ip manage to log in all logs about the previous failed attempts from this ip are removed. Here is how this can be exploited: If the script is configured to block an ip after 10 failed...
  7. E

    Security issue with brute force attacks

    I'll post the information on a reply to be restricted to registered members.
  8. E

    Error while adding another file server

    You should know that tiny modifications such as using another file extension in the urls will make this test test fail.
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    Recommend Hosting Providers - Who do you use?

    Why don't you use dedicated servers?
  10. E

    Cloud flare and yetishare

    There is a module on nginx that makes nginx look first for a .gz file. You can keep a compressed copy of all js and css on your website. Using the deflate from apache will make apache compress every file over and over again in every request. I also merged all css and js in one file to reduce...
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    server issues

    Which mpm are you using in apache? worker or prefork? Are you using cpanel or cloudlinux?
  12. E

    server issues

    The php.ini have configs about the php, not about the apache. The apache config files tells how many threads apache can create, how many connections it may handle, timeouts and etc.
  13. E

    server issues

    There is nothing wrong with the server. There are free cpu and memory. Your apache or your mysql may be configured to allow few connections.
  14. E

    server issues

    Impossible to tell the cause of this problem without more information. Can you share the server status from apache and the output of the "top" command?
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    md5_file is being called 2x per file.

    I only tested small files so far, but there are 2 calls of md5_file for each upload. Search it on your code and you will find it.
  16. E

    Banner ads system

    There are other free scripts around that do exactly this. Search "revive ads" on google.
  17. E

    [subject renamed] Guessing Folder Names

    I just noticed that using the title attribute to store the folder hash in the lateral menu isn't the best approach, the hash will be displayed if the user moves the mouse over the link. I'm using the attribute "name" instead.
  18. E

    md5_file is being called 2x per file.

    Hello. I just notice that the script is calling md5_file 2 times on each upload. It's called in the method _storeFile and then again in the method moveIntoStorage, both in the uploader class. The moveIntoStorage method calls the _storeFile method. It doesn't need to calculate the md5 again...
  19. E

    AmazonS3 Cost

    Yes, there are no extra charges but they can limit your port speed. It's better to pay 1 euro per extra TB and have a full 1gbps port all the time.