Hello there,
i have a couple servers that i use for my file hosting script. Some got E5 CPU and some are less powerful. I want to change maximum concurrent conversions per server. I want to run 1-2 conversions on fileservers and then say 2-4 concurrent on E5's. I tried changing the option below but this seems to be max concurrent conversions on all servers. Not sure how i can tweak this to work with per server:
Anyone knows how to get this working?
i have a couple servers that i use for my file hosting script. Some got E5 CPU and some are less powerful. I want to change maximum concurrent conversions per server. I want to run 1-2 conversions on fileservers and then say 2-4 concurrent on E5's. I tried changing the option below but this seems to be max concurrent conversions on all servers. Not sure how i can tweak this to work with per server:
// change this to set the maximum conversions that can be done at once.
define("MAX_CONCURRENT_CONVERSIONS", $pluginSettingsArr['max_conversions']);