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  1. Y

    progress bar - internet explorer all versions

    There is no fix because Internet Explorer does not support it, IE is so far behind other browsers it is in the days of Netscape
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    PROBLEM - Error: true

    I found the problem The problem is, end requires a reference. explode(".", $fileUpload->name) cannot be turned into a reference. That's why you have to assign the result of explode(".", $fileUpload->name) to a variable. Open /includes/class.uploader.php Find on line 441 $extension =...
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    System Notice - Tmp folder

    You need to increase the size of your /tmp directory via ssh
  4. Y

    PROBLEM - Error: true

    I also have the "Error: true" message pop up sometimes, but its rare that it does, 95% of the time the uploads work fine.
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    Upload errors

    That will only stop the errors in the error log, not the errors in the upload itself
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    Upload errors

    I've just change my servers as I found much better servers for half the price I was paying, I have also changed domain names. Now I'm getting the following in the error_log [03-Mar-2013 09:30:09 Europe/Berlin] PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in...
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    Theme Store

    Nope mines at max already lol
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    Theme Store

    1280*1024 on a 24" monitor, I have more important things to spend my cash on than a new PC monitor :D
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    Theme Store

    I'd re-size those screenshots on your site a bit Eric, 1652x1086 makes me have to scroll the screen about half a mile to see the right side of the image :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Big Problem With Paid User

    7.99 US Dollar equals 6.23 Euro minus the skrill fee's = €6.07
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    Coupon Codes

    Good idea, would also be good to put a start and expiry date on each coupon as well as the max uses
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    Installing in folders

    Check the .htaccess in the root directory as that's stopping the script working properly
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    Rewrite Rules for Ligthttpd

    Lighthttpd Documentation
  14. Y

    Get server file location

    Easiest way to find the root path of your php files is to create a php file named file_root.php and put in the following <?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; ?> That will show on screen something like /home/username/public_html
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    Server load

    That's virtually the same spec server that I'm running for the script at the minute. But will be buying a new server tomorrow 16 GB RAM ECC Registered Dual Xeon L5420 8x 2.5 GHz 2 TB 2x 1 TB SATA 5 IPs IPv4 Usable 1000 MBit Port Enterprise Supermicro Hardware 99.999% Uptime Guarantee $109.95...
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    Installing in folders

    This is I have for the mods demo here: /* main configuration file for script */ define("_CONFIG_SITE_HOST_URL", ""); define("_CONFIG_SITE_FULL_URL", _CONFIG_SITE_HOST_URL.'/demo'); And .htaccess #...
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    Skrill Logo

    open plugins/skrill/includes/ Adjust the size of the image on this line <input type="image" src="<?php echo PLUGIN_WEB_ROOT; ?>/<?php echo $pluginConfig['data']['folder_name']; ?>/assets/img/payment_button.jpg" title="Pay with Skrill" alt="Pay with Skrill"...
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    Upload to big

    I would not use shared hosting unless you are only planning on using a closed system. Where you decide who joins because your hdd space can fill up very quickly. I have had the script for only 2 months and have already used 1200GB of HDD space.
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    Amazing theme for sale!

    I'd pay $30 for it too
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    Upload to big

    That will be one to ask your web host as I don`t know