Search results

  1. Y

    Max file upload size dont change

    In index.php do you have the following lines of code? if ($Auth->level != 'free user') { $maxUploadSize = SITE_CONFIG_PREMIUM_USER_MAX_UPLOAD_FILESIZE; $maxPermittedUrls = (int)SITE_CONFIG_PREMIUM_USER_MAX_REMOTE_URLS; } $phpMaxSize = getPHPMaxUpload(); if ($phpMaxSize...
  2. Y

    Max file upload size dont change

    Are you sure the database is being updated with the correct filesize? Whats the result of this MySQL query? SELECT * FROM `site_config` WHERE `config_key` = 'premium_user_max_upload_filesize';
  3. Y

    There is a problem in the site certificate

    We can't help for ssl certificate problems, you should get support from who you bought it from.
  4. Y

    I can not Register I hope the solution ؟

    No, because the report file form only sends an email it does not add anything to the database, it is a false positive
  5. Y

    Rate My Theme :)
  6. Y

    Big Bug

    Use the text below
  7. Y

    I can not Register I hope the solution ؟

    Did you try to upload register.php again?
  8. Y

    funny signs in my admin panel

    Same here when changing from $ to anything else Euro (€) GBP (£)
  9. Y

    Pre V3.4 - Debug large uploads failing and 'error: true'

    Re: Debug large uploads failing and 'error: true' problems. Also if you do use a 64bit system and want to upload files larger than 2GB and your server runs WHM/cPanel, the maximum /tmp folder size is 4GB, its hard coded into the file /scripts/securetmp.
  10. Y

    Earning system

    Will only get a percentage if they use the referral code (I think)
  11. Y

    Earning system

    That table in the image only shows how much the use "could" earn in 10 months if they referred 20 users per month, but its up to the user when they want to make a payment request. so they could wait for 6 months making 20 referrals a month which they would earn €359.64 from your site
  12. Y

    Happy Hours

    It would be good if we can set up happy hours This is where you can set one or more start & end dates/times where your unregistered and free users can download at double the normal speed.
  13. Y

    Earning system

    You can use .htaccess for that
  14. Y

    How do I change meta tag description & keyword ?

    Go to Configuration > Translations > manage translations > Where it says "Filter Results" put in the box > index_meta_ click enter and you should see the following: Click on edit to change it
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    How do I change meta tag description & keyword ?

    They are in the top of each file For example in account_home.php you have define("PAGE_NAME", t("account_home_page_name", "Account Home")); define("PAGE_DESCRIPTION", t("account_home_meta_description", "Your Account Home")); define("PAGE_KEYWORDS", t("account_home_meta_keywords", "account...
  16. Y

    FTP not disabling

    I think it might be a bug, you can disable any plugin in your database control panel - plugins table - then change the plugin_enabled column from "1" to "0" to disable it You can check for the missing line in /plugins/ftpupload/admin/settings.php Search for $plugin_enabled = (int)...
  17. Y

    Need WHM for FTP ?

    The ftp plugin uses the cpanel/whm API to create ftp accounts, it is the only server control panel that is currently supported
  18. Y

    Google Analytics

    Usually just before the </head> tag Googles official instructions:
  19. Y

    Bitcoin Pay
  20. Y

    Error message

    Did you upload the files via FTP in binary mode? Try replacing the contents of the /plugins/paypal/ with the following <?php // core plugin config $pluginConfig = array(); $pluginConfig['plugin_name'] = 'PayPal Payment Integration'...