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  1. P

    Ability to delete folders better

    Right now it appears the only way to delete a folder on a user account is by clicking on the LEFT hand side, and right clicking and clicking Delete but if you click on the physical folder itself , in the main view, on /account_home.html you cant select the folder itd be nice to ctrl + click...
  2. P

    [ACCEPTED v4.4] JW Player 7.0 upgrade

    Re: JW Player 7.0 upgrade If you are gonna add 7.0, please keep 6.0 still as well
  3. P

    JWPlayer full screen issues

    >This seems fine on our demo site. The issue is happening on Chrome on my computer Well I just went on a virtual machine, and it seems to disappear on chrome so i dont get why it is happening on my computer then when i try a remote desktop ive got, that runs windows 2008, with chrome...
  4. P

    JWPlayer full screen issues

    On yetishare 4.2 1. when you view a video and you are using jwplayer, full screen, the control bar at the bottom, doesn't seem to disappear.. This I can imagine would be annoying for those who want to stream a video without seeing that i.e when you go on netflix and watch a video, the...
  5. P

    [ADDED][v4.3] ability to blacklist a file hash

    Can you create a feature for admins where, we can click on a file and check box or click "Blacklist this file" so that it cant continually be reuploaded. i.e ive got some guy who is apparently uploading a terrorist magazine for ISIS.. had a take down request from UK police, i took it down.. but...
  6. P

    Continual revenue share for rewards

    if a person receives PPS % from someone signing up for premium, it seems to be only one time.. they don't get a continual PPS % sale each time the subscriber renews.. so maybe it would be good if you could add a feature to turn on or off in admin plugins rewards section, making it so taht the...
  7. P

    Space Limitation Issue

    Ive got this free user, awhile back, i set his space to 50 GB limit like when you goto edit a user account, it says Storage Limit: bytes. Overrides account type limits. Use zero for unlimited. So under storage limit i put 50 gb (in bytes) well recently this same user bought premium, on his...
  8. P

    Get rid of Title on Registration form

    for awhile now, I have not really seen any real reason for Title to be on the registration form. I mean how many modern day websites today, where you register an account, they ask you for your Title? which is essentially asking you for your gender OR martial status..... I mean it's not a dating...
  9. P

    jwplayer thumbnail preview

    so that when you put your mouse over timeline for a video it shows the thumbnail
  10. P

    How to hide or rename /plugins/ in URL's ?

    How can this be achieved?
  11. P

    Delete account

    Still looking forward to this feature. I am sure when I email users about the new site upgrade, people will email me to say delete my account (i.e they dont use my site anymore or havent in ages or even forgot about their account.. but upon being emailed / reminded, some will ask to delete their...
  12. P

    Any way do not count rewards for adblock users?

    There is a way to bypass adblock, you just have to keep updating your anti-adblock mechanism i.e changing a function name or something like that but yeah it sucks
  13. P

    API for yetishare

    There should be some sort of API that Yetishare has.. where users can somehow automatically upload files or be able to do something like (general example) 1. contact yetishare based site 2. send the api credentials (access key generated in users account under api section) 3. Provide the API...
  14. P

    Do not convert

    Sometimes people upload large .mov files or files that are clearly, not meant to be converted. Or uploading a 10 gb file , and then yetishare goes ahead and converts it into a 2gb mp4.. the quality is reduced, the quality is not what the user intended.. and it is no longer in its original shape...
  15. P

    Dragging folder

    Not sure if this is possible, doesnt appear to be. I went to and tried to drag a folder , it didnt do anything SO itd be nice if you could drag an entire folder onto the page and upload the contents within the folder
  16. P

    Remember me

    Not sure if i posted this already, but there should be a check box on login for Remember me most sites have this and it'd be annoying to have to relogin to a yetishare based site every day
  17. P

    Recently expired files

    As title says, would be nice for admin to see recently expired files. Not the current way, its hard to tell what was JUST expired. I.e i just lost like 350 gb of files, i am not going to be able to know besides checking _deleted what happened or what they were
  18. P

    Delete account

    As much as I hate to say it, please add a Delete My Account feature for the users/clients under say Account Settings And then obviously a confirmation like "are you sure" and then make them put in their password Because otherwise people are using the Contact Form to say "Delete my account"...
  19. P

    Set password on registration

    Dear ysmods, Thank you for doing the free mod. Will the mod be updated with each release? If so, then I guess I have no reason not to use it. My issue is mostly that every yetishare release, if the ability to choose password is still not there upon registration, then we will have to keep...
  20. P

    Set password on registration

    Why should we have to do something that is so obvious? Just right now, my emails are not going through.....So now people are not getting my emails why would they need to worry about getting an email when they could set the password themselves And at least be able to log in , edit their email...