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  1. P

    banned ips page, support ip ranges

    the banned ips page, only works for single ips.. it should support things like etc it should be able to support CIDR's
  2. P

    media player

    Yetishare needs to add videoJS, it would be a god send, and a no brainer, since its free.
  3. P

    Request for videos to buffer

    "If you pause its about an inch or so ahead" Thats how it is for me right now and i havent upgraded anything, running php 5 still I've had users report that it doesnt buffer So i might look into videoJS and hope that solves the issue
  4. P

    Cloud flare and yetishare

    heres the error Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'...
  5. P

    strange help ticket submitted

    Stripe doesn't allow file hosting sites anyway, i am not sure why people around here think that's the case. Email them yourself and find out
  6. P

    Cloud flare and yetishare

    there is an issue with cloudflare where when people upload files, it does not give a url link, its blank something to do with Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin is therefore not...
  7. P

    Request for videos to buffer

    You say it does buffer, but then go on to say it doesn't buffer. And I've tried on the demo site, it doesnt go past that as you can see.. And that video/file on the demo site was a small one at that.. I contend it doesn't buffer, as I'm getting tons of complaints...
  8. P

    Request for videos to buffer

    Videos don't seem to buffer on yetishare script. So if you pause the video, the bar doesn't keep loading and loading further down and down The progress doesn't expand. So people on slow connections, the video lags for them If the system was setup so that it buffered, a person can hit pause...
  9. P

    When pausing a video, does it buffer for you?

    But the link and screen shot i posted, is from , so it isn't so much about my server or an issue with my server, in the screen shot it shows that the buffer never moves beyond what i circled when i hit pause, it...
  10. P

    When pausing a video, does it buffer for you?

    Seems on my site, when you pause a video it does not buffer Is this just how yetishare is, or? Example on when i hit pause, it stops here it doesnt go beyond that. Why not keep buffering?
  11. P

    Better way to track PPS in the rewards plugin

    Yeah I too would like to see the rewards plugin be able to continue to give the PPS percentage to the user who initially referrerd the person who upgraded to premium.
  12. P

    Load balance certain files

    Sorry must have misread what you said earlier. In the mean time, I've been faced with situations where a user uploads a file, and it ends up on a file server, say Now that file is being downloaded by 200 users, and the server possessing the file, server1, is lagging or has...
  13. P

    Ctrl+A in remote URL Box (when loggedin)

    can't ctrl+a in remote url box when logged in. you can when you log out or are not logged in. so i request that on future versions, the ctrl+a works like it does when not logged in, but logged in Have a URL copied to clipboard Then, when visiting anonymously with no...
  14. P

    Option to remove "Title" from registration

    I don't see the purpose of having Title on the registration form, where it says Mr and Mrs etc.. I also don't see any sites wanting to know if you are a Ms, Mrs, Mr, Miss, or so forth.. I've seen sites ask gender, but that's dating sites and things like facebook.. Since this is a file hosting...
  15. P

    Download tokens can only be used by a specific IP

    Do you have any suggestions as to what we can do for a scenario where a premium user copies and pastes their download token URL to a bunch of people? How about detecting their session or cookie? So that some outsider cant just use the download url token ?? wouldn't taht work?
  16. P

    Load balance certain files

    I would write a shell script to talk to the database, find out what files are being downloaded by 30 or more people , from download_tracker, then take that file and copy it to another file server, and then update the serverID of the file to the new file server.. and just run a loop that keeps...
  17. P

    Download tokens can only be used by a specific IP

    If I go to and load a video, i can copy and paste the download link for the video, w/ the download token in the URL, and paste that URL to anyone.. and then anyone can download the file from that link Can you please make it so that if i generate a download token, and give...
  18. P

    Load balance certain files

    I don't think its a good idea to have a copy of every file on every file server. I believe my idea is more efficient and makes sense. Only when a file is being downloaded greater than x number of times in the download tracker, would it then sync that file to the other file servers, so that when...
  19. P

    Load balance certain files

    in the admin section, have a section or setting where we can define if a file is getting more than 50 downloads, to then queue up that file to be copied to all file servers so that when people go to access it, they're not all just raping the one file server and then everyones experience becomes...
  20. P

    log all remote urls

    any remote url a user puts in, have it log to the main webserver, in the core/cache/logs/system/remote_urls.txt or soemthing like that