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  1. Y

    Some Font are not showing..............

    Please be aware that it is the weekend and most businesses in the UK do not work on the weekends. I see you are showing 30 fonts per page instead of the normal 10 per page, so it leads me to think that it could be a memory issue. Did you look at the php/apache error logs to see if there is...
  2. Y

    translate the license fonts

    That information is found in the "font_license" table in the database
  3. Y

    how to install theme

    Upload the theme to the /themes/ directory on your server. Open up your websites PHPMyAdmin. Navigate to the "site_config" table. In the "config_key" column look for: "site_theme". Click on "Edit" to edit that row. In the availableValues column you wiill see: ["blue_v2"] This is the section...
  4. Y

    your license for multiple domain or 1 domain ???

    You will need to ask Sales by contacting them here:
  5. Y

    your license for multiple domain or 1 domain ???

    From the Terms & conditions:
  6. Y

    Some Font are not showing..............

    If the problem just start on sunday. There is a change in your server, as Adam said, scripts do not suddely stop working. There has to be a reason. If you have not changed any files. Someone else must have changed something. I would ask your host if anything has changed.
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    Uploader API

    Instead of criticising, maybe it would be better to suggest new features. Then if the features you suggested are implemented. You will have less to criticise. Oh, iframes are inherently bad, they are a thing of the past and I do not think that iframes will ever have any place in the yetishare...
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    SolveMedia & KeyCaptcha Captcha Modification (v3.5.2)

    You'll have to pay an upgrade fee of $7.50 as it contains 2 captchas whilst the previous version contained only 1
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    Example sites short urls
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    Uploader API

    Are you happy with anything you have bought? All I ever see is posts from you complaining about something
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    Short Url Domain

    Open Find: $shortUrlDomain = (int)$_REQUEST['shortUrlDomain']; Replace with: $shortUrlDomain = '1';
  12. Y

    Short Url Domain

    Via bookmark? Do you mean via the API?
  13. Y

    Short Url Domain

    Open index.php Find: <div> <label for="shortUrlDomain"><?php echo t("short_url_domain", "Short Url Domain"); ?>:</label> <select id="shortUrlDomain" name="shortUrlDomain" style="width: 100%;"> <?php...
  14. Y

    Yetishare Custom Themes and Designs

    Thread locked. I would advise not to use this persons services unless otherwise stated.
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    How can back up data?

    You'll have to either back them up using your control panel or some other way like ssh. If your server runs a raid array then all the data is always backed up to a separate hdd.
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    plugin voucher

    I do not know when v4.0 is coming out. But it is my understanding that it is a few months away.
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    plugin voucher

    It is not a separate plugin, it is an extension to the voucher plugin. It will be released shortly after Yetishare 4.0 is released.
  18. Y

    plugin voucher

    There was an update release on the 23 April to fix this error. If you re-download the plugin, unzip the files and upload the contents of the admin folder, it should fix the error.
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    Uploader API
  20. Y

    How to download via Ipad?

    You should be able to download as a normal browser, I can download normally using my android tablet, if using "desktop view" in the settings.