Can i remove the Short Url Domain box on the frontpage so it is not visable or something like that ?
Can i remove the Short Url Domain box on the frontpage so it is not visable or something like that ?
<label for="shortUrlDomain"><?php echo t("short_url_domain", "Short Url Domain"); ?>:</label>
<select id="shortUrlDomain" name="shortUrlDomain" style="width: 100%;">
foreach ($shortUrlDomains AS $k => $shortUrlDomain)
// active domains only
if($shortUrlDomain['status'] != 'enabled')
// disabled item
$disabled = false;
if(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 1) && ($Auth->level == 'guest'))
$disabled = true;
elseif(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 2) && (in_array($Auth->level, array('guest', 'free user', 'user'))))
$disabled = true;
// check for account only
if(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 1) && ($lastPremiumOnly != $shortUrlDomain['premium_only']))
echo '<optgroup label="'.safeOutputToScreen(t("registered_users_only", "Registered Users Only")).'">';
if(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 2) && ($lastPremiumOnly != $shortUrlDomain['premium_only']))
echo '</optgroup>';
echo '<optgroup label="'.safeOutputToScreen(t("paid_users_only", "Paid Users Only")).'">';
$lastPremiumOnly = $shortUrlDomain['premium_only'];
echo '<option value="' . (int) $k . '"';
// selected option
if ($k == (int) $_REQUEST['shortUrlDomain'])
echo ' SELECTED';
// disabled option
if($disabled == true)
echo ' disabled="disabled"';
echo '>';
echo $shortUrlDomain['domain'];
if($disabled == true)
echo ' ('.safeOutputToScreen(t('unavailable', 'unavailable')).')';
echo '</optgroup>';
<!-- <div>
<label for="shortUrlDomain"><?php echo t("short_url_domain", "Short Url Domain"); ?>:</label>
<select id="shortUrlDomain" name="shortUrlDomain" style="width: 100%;">
foreach ($shortUrlDomains AS $k => $shortUrlDomain)
// active domains only
if($shortUrlDomain['status'] != 'enabled')
// disabled item
$disabled = false;
if(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 1) && ($Auth->level == 'guest'))
$disabled = true;
elseif(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 2) && (in_array($Auth->level, array('guest', 'free user', 'user'))))
$disabled = true;
// check for account only
if(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 1) && ($lastPremiumOnly != $shortUrlDomain['premium_only']))
echo '<optgroup label="'.safeOutputToScreen(t("registered_users_only", "Registered Users Only")).'">';
if(($shortUrlDomain['premium_only'] == 2) && ($lastPremiumOnly != $shortUrlDomain['premium_only']))
echo '</optgroup>';
echo '<optgroup label="'.safeOutputToScreen(t("paid_users_only", "Paid Users Only")).'">';
$lastPremiumOnly = $shortUrlDomain['premium_only'];
echo '<option value="' . (int) $k . '"';
// selected option
if ($k == (int) $_REQUEST['shortUrlDomain'])
echo ' SELECTED';
// disabled option
if($disabled == true)
echo ' disabled="disabled"';
echo '>';
echo $shortUrlDomain['domain'];
if($disabled == true)
echo ' ('.safeOutputToScreen(t('unavailable', 'unavailable')).')';
echo '</optgroup>';
<input type="hidden" name="shortUrlDomain" value="1" />
$shortUrlDomain = (int)$_REQUEST['shortUrlDomain'];
$shortUrlDomain = '1';