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  1. Y

    .exe files

    You wanted max of 150kb so I set it to 160kb Change the 160000 to 170000 or 180000 on line 214 which will stop files smaller than 170kb or 180kb
  2. Y

    .exe files

    PM Sent
  3. Y

    .exe files

    Your code is wrong because it works for me. This code I can't see in the screenshot if (!$fileUpload->error && $fileUpload->name) { $fileUpload = $this->moveIntoStorage($fileUpload, $uploadedFile); } It should be $fileUpload->error = $this->hasError($uploadedFile, $fileUpload, $error); if...
  4. Y

    how to make users add own password

    Searching the forums helps
  5. Y

    PerfectMoney Payment Gateway Plugin

    New Payment gateway plugin for Full information:
  6. Y

    • SQL execution error! Please Turn debug mode On and check c

    Re: • SQL execution error! Please Turn debug mode On and che You need to turn off strict mode in my.cnf or my.ini Open the "my.ini" / "my.cnf" file within the MySQL installation directory and look for something like... # Set the SQL mode to strict...
  7. Y


    Take a look at the following function in /core/includes/coreFunctions.class.php getUsersIPAddress()
  8. Y

    How to change front gif with clouds

    If its the first one at the top then its in /themes/flow/templates/partial/ <img src="<?php echo SITE_THEME_PATH; ?>/frontend_assets/images/home/banner_bg.jpg" data-bgfit="cover" data-bgposition="left top" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat"/> <div class="tp-caption tp-fade fadeout...
  9. Y

    Delete account

    The best way to do that is to have a separate page for the logged in user only (account settings area somewhere), where they have to input their password to delete their account. An email gets sent to the registered email address with a confirmation link, once the link is clicked the user has...
  10. Y

    .exe files

    Download, backup and open /core/includes/uploader.class.php Find: if (!$fileUpload->error && $fileUpload->name) { $fileUpload = $this->moveIntoStorage($fileUpload, $uploadedFile); } Add BEFORE // Edit the 3 options in the line below within the single quotes '' to prevent file uploads...
  11. Y

    .exe files

    If you want to block multiple file mimetypes, you can do so by doing the following Run this MySQL Query. INSERT INTO site_config VALUES (null, 'blocked_filetypes', '', 'The file mimetypes that are not allowed to be uploaded. (eg: image/jpeg will block all .jpg images). Separate items with a...
  12. Y

    As soon as I log in as admin it logs me out again?

    What was the problem?
  13. Y

    As soon as I log in as admin it logs me out again?

    put your site url so we can try it
  14. Y

    .exe files

    Download, backup and open /core/includes/uploader.class.php Find: if (!$fileUpload->error && $fileUpload->name) { $fileUpload = $this->moveIntoStorage($fileUpload, $uploadedFile); } Add BEFORE // Edit the 3 options in the line below within the single quotes '' to prevent file uploads...
  15. Y

    .exe files

    Only 4 lines of code lol I just need a couple of rows from the DB so I can set the file sizes and file type so I can tell you how to do it Just an example using putty.exe as a test file. Home page upload Account Home upload
  16. Y

    .exe files

    I have a working version which stops uploads of a particular filetype and between certain sizes (ie: will block if bigger than 143kb and smaller than 145kb, but will allow all other file types and sizes to upload).
  17. Y

    .exe files

    I'll need a couple of rows of the offending files from the database to be able to view the file type, file sizes (in bytes) to be able to do anything
  18. Y

    first install??????

    What more do you need to know?
  19. Y

    Reward countries help
  20. Y

    Set password on registration

    You are completely wrong :D ;) When the user is added to the database, its using: $newUser = UserPeer::create($username, $newPassword, $emailAddress, $title, $firstname, $lastname); Which is in userpeer.class.php static function create($username, $password, $email, $title, $firstname...