Delete account


New Member
YetiShare User
Jan 22, 2014
As much as I hate to say it, please add a Delete My Account feature for the users/clients under say Account Settings

And then obviously a confirmation like "are you sure" and then make them put in their password

Because otherwise people are using the Contact Form to say "Delete my account", and sure, it PROBABLY IS the account holder, but how do i know? Just because they put down their email, their account email, that does not mean its the account holder

If I knew you had an account on , and i knew your email , I could just fill out the contact form and say "Delete my account" , then put in your email

And then the site owner is suppose to just take my word and delete the account??

So what I do for now is, I take their Submitted IP on the contact form, and search through the database and the users table to see if that IP has ever logged in

If it has, I look at the username and delete that username

In this scenario, they do not even say what username to delete. It's like im suppose to just know? That doesnt make any sense

So you need to go ahead and give the users the ability to delete it themselves

There has been a contact form submission from WeShare with the following details:

Full Name: (censored name)
Email Address: (censored email)[email protected]

would like to delete account
Submitted IP: 73.179.225.(censored)
Literally thats all i get. That is not enough. Yes I still delete the accounts, because nobody on my site is faking it and the chances are low, but still that shouldnt matter.

They need their own Delete Account option, which I hate to suggest becuse who wants to lose users, but if they are making me do it anyway then let them do it themselves

I'm not a programmer, but I still kind of feel like, it shouldnt be too hard to put into the upcoming release, that I was told was 2 months away. So don't take offense by my ignorance if it sounds that way, but still it just seems like a small thing. But perhaps I don't know the troubles a programmer goes through.


New Member
Jan 29, 2013
The best way to do that is to have a separate page for the logged in user only (account settings area somewhere), where they have to input their password to delete their account.

An email gets sent to the registered email address with a confirmation link, once the link is clicked the user has to input their password again to delete their account.

The 2 months timeline wasn't 100% certain, it was just what I had heard and I could be wrong.

Being a php programmer isn't easy, especially when you have customer support so you can't work on the script, deciding which features to add, adding the features and building them from scratch, debugging, making sure the code is secure from XSS/SQL Injection, plus much more...


New Member
YetiShare User
Jan 22, 2014
Still looking forward to this feature. I am sure when I email users about the new site upgrade, people will email me to say delete my account (i.e they dont use my site anymore or havent in ages or even forgot about their account.. but upon being emailed / reminded, some will ask to delete their account) and its gonna be a pain to delete tons of accounts manually

although, would there be an easier way to do it? like, couldnt i just make a shell script to delete their accounts from the users table?


New Member
YetiShare User
Jan 22, 2014
More people should care about this one too -- because every single yetishare site operator has to delete the account manually, upon request. It takes up administration time when it could be solved by adding a delete my account feature within the users account page..

Surprised that people on here are content with taking time out their day to delete user accounts. I'm not saying it happens daily but it just seems like a no brainer