Search results

  1. M

    File Previewer on Direct Server

    I resolve this problem as @cr33p say - set chmod 777 to /plugins/filepreviewer and also clear all cache on the main server and the file server :) So it's fixed by this simple way :)
  2. M

    5.2.0 - multiple entries for the same download

    Hi, anybody has similar problem after upgrade to 5.2.0? In my situation one download of file generate several entries in the database. Also in "Active Download" when somebody download one file i have multiple entries of this download. In file download stats also. So in my opinion it's broken...
  3. M

    File Previewer on Direct Server

    Small update in this case : 1. I do purge cache on main site and direct server and generate thumbanil and preview now work ok. 2. Video playing also work, but didn't work on Safari in MacOS - on Google Chrome, Mozilla firefox is okay, but I have "player in player", like in attachment. This rule...
  4. M

    File Previewer on Direct Server

    Hi all, I have YetiShare installed on main site and for files I have configured Direct Server. I notice a problem in the 5.1.0 version. When I upload the image or video thumbnail and original file in file previewer is broken, but files can normally be downloaded from the direct server, there...
  5. M

    Special panel for antipiracy company

    this is very important - helps you to work with agencies that search for illegal content
  6. M

    SMTP newsletter send

    Hello, who knows where is debug/log from plugin newsletter - I must see the debug log, because on my server I send 2000 e-mail's and sending is stuck - in panel admin stuck as sending... In /core/logs don't have SMTP debugging. On 4.4.1 Adam adds It if I think good : " Fixed SMTP sending...
  7. M

    Managed space on the fileserver

    Hi all, Is there any way to set in the script read space on the server (direct server) (in SSH it's df -h) ? and make the setting that for example every few minutes is reading the server capacity (have root access) with df -h and make that option when, for example, the server has less than 5%...
  8. M

    xSendFile on Apache problem

    Ok, this problem is solved because I add XSendFilePatch /home/path/to/yetishare/install/public_html/ ... If I add XSendFilePath /home/path/to/yetishare/install/public_html/ is work properly :) typo... But now i have another problem : i have active on all fileserver xSendFile but still I see...
  9. M

    xSendFile on Apache problem

    Hi, I use this thread on knowledge base to setup up xSendFile on one of my file server - I have Apache + Nginx server on Debian 8.9 Jessie. + VestaCP panel I add this to apache2.conf : <IfModule mod_xsendfile.c> <Files *.php> XSendFile On...
  10. M

    Increase Time Login

    Hello, you can increase this in admin panel -> Setting -> Site Options -> Session Expiry
  11. M

    Bandwitch limit to download per user

    Hi, I think is a good option to limit the download bandwitch per user or per type of account - most popular and good server rooms still limit the transfer and for overage it should be paid - for example, it would be good to have free accounts can download 20GB and premiums max 50GB per day.
  12. M

    DMCA Bulk Remove don't remove the files in direct server's

    Hi, I have the problem. When I remove file via bulk option (DMCA) I not see the file in file action queue when file is on remote (direct) server. I see only when file is on local host. On remote server file not add to file action queue when I remove via Bulk. Files are not deleted by them -...
  13. M

    Special panel for antipiracy company

    have idea. My idea I think is Good because Its support sell cooperation with hosting owner and antipiracy corporation. What you think about a special panel for antipiracy company ? Antipiracy Company login to the special panel (for example , login by the login and...
  14. M

    Off PPD/PPS program per user

    Hi, it's I think good idea. As soon as the user will download multiple times, eg from his IP, it would be good to have the option to disable the program in his account. In general, the program should be accessible to everyone, but it would be good in the user profile editing window to turn off...
  15. M

    buy premium from PPS / PPD

    It would be good to have the option to buy a Premium account from the PPS / PPD program - it would be very useful.
  16. M

    Download token issue download dont work

    How you solve the problem? Please describe it for other users :)
  17. M

    Add Bulk Report for

    +1 this is be very useful
  18. M

    Main Website Hosting Suggestion Please

    It all depends on what parameters you expect from the server - better be prepared for a visit jump than use something weaker. For a small web page (just the web, not storage), you maybe only need a VPS with one processor core and 2GB of RAM.
  19. M

    Direct Storage Control Panel?

    Hello, contact me via PW. I can help you to add direct storage in cheap price :D