When I loginto my account at http://yetishare.com/members_orders.html in the 'Your downloads' page there are no links for me to download the scripts anymore, it just says "Paid Support Expired (renew)":
Order # Order Date Description Price Status Options
#3411 06/07/2013 Payza Payment Gateway $0.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
#3411 06/07/2013 Media Player $39.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
#3411 06/07/2013 Rewards Program $59.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
#3411 06/07/2013 File Hosting Script $59.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
Do I need to pay for more support to be able to download the previous versions of the scripts I have already paid for?
Also I am interested in purchasing the 'file leech plugin' but it does not have the ability to leech from the filehosting website I need.
Can you add the filehosting website I need to the file leech plugin?
Thanks in advance!
Order # Order Date Description Price Status Options
#3411 06/07/2013 Payza Payment Gateway $0.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
#3411 06/07/2013 Media Player $39.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
#3411 06/07/2013 Rewards Program $59.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
#3411 06/07/2013 File Hosting Script $59.00 Paid Support Expired (renew)
Do I need to pay for more support to be able to download the previous versions of the scripts I have already paid for?
Also I am interested in purchasing the 'file leech plugin' but it does not have the ability to leech from the filehosting website I need.
Can you add the filehosting website I need to the file leech plugin?
Thanks in advance!