Number of Inactive file days for Free and non users are set to 90 days and 30 days respectively in their packages. However, the FAQ page shows that it is unlimited days for Guests/Free users. It is returning wrong data and therefore, will confuse the users.Q: Will my files be removed?
A: Free/non accounts files are kept for unlimited days. Premium accounts files are kept for unlimited days.
Additionally, the maximum upload file size limit for premium account should be listed as "maximum file size for personal account set in backend" and more. Currently, It says,
which is not true because I have set 50MB for personal account package and 100MB for professional and business account. So it should be written as 50MB and more, instead of "Less than 50 MB".Each file you upload must be less than 20.00 MB in size for free/non accounts or less than 50.00 MB in size for premium accounts.