/* setup includes */
/* setup page */
define("PAGE_NAME", t("delete_file_page_name", "Delete File"));
define("PAGE_DESCRIPTION", t("delete_file_meta_description", "Delete File"));
define("PAGE_KEYWORDS", t("delete_file_meta_keywords", "delete, remove, file"));
// load file
$file = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['u']))
// figure out the delete hash
$deleteHash = '';
foreach($_REQUEST AS $k=>$item)
if(strlen($k) == 32)
$deleteHash = $k;
// only keep the initial part if there's a forward slash
$shortUrl = current(explode("/", str_replace("~d", "", $_REQUEST['u'])));
$file = file::loadByShortUrl($shortUrl);
// check it's active
if($file->deleteHash != $deleteHash)
$file = null;
// do we have a return page
$returnAccount = false;
if((isset($_REQUEST['returnAccount'])) && ((int)$_REQUEST['returnAccount'] == 1))
$returnAccount = true;
/* load file details */
/* if no file found, redirect to home page */
redirect(WEB_ROOT . "/index." . SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION);
/* delete file if submitted */
if ((int) $_REQUEST['delete'])
// reomve file
// redirect to confirmation page
$resultMsg = t('file_permanently_removed', 'File permanently removed.');
$resultMsg = $file->errorMsg;
redirect(CORE_WEB_ROOT . "/error." . SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION.'?e='.urlencode($resultMsg));
// get file path
$filePath = file::getFileDomainAndPath($file->id);
<div class="contentPageWrapper">
if (isErrors())
echo outputErrors();
<!-- delete file form -->
<div class="pageSectionMain ui-corner-all">
<div class="pageSectionMainInternal">
<div id="pageHeader">
<h2><?php echo t("delete_file", "Delete File"); ?></h2>
<p class="introText">
<?php echo t("delete_file_intro", "Please confirm whether to delete the file below. Note: Once deleted, this file is removed from our servers and can not be recovered."); ?>
<form class="international" method="post" action="<?php echo $file->getDeleteUrl($returnAccount, true); ?>" id="form-join" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">
<li class="field-container">
<?php echo t('file', 'File'); ?>: <a href="<?php echo _CONFIG_SITE_PROTOCOL; ?>://<?php echo $filePath; ?>/<?php echo $file->shortUrl; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $file->originalFilename; ?></a> (<?php echo formatSize($file->fileSize); ?>)
<li class="field-container">
<span class="field-name"></span>
<input name="delete" type="hidden" value="1"/>
<input name="submitme" type="hidden" value="1"/>
<input name="returnAccount" type="hidden" value="<?php echo (int)$returnAccount; ?>"/>
<input tabindex="99" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo t("delete_file", "Delete File"); ?>" class="submitInput" />
<input tabindex="100" type="reset" name="reset" value="<?php echo t("cancel", "Cancel"); ?>" class="cancelInput" onClick="window.location='<?php echo $returnAccount?(CORE_WEB_ROOT.'/account_home.'.SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION):WEB_ROOT; ?>';" />
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php include_once("_bannerRightContent.inc.php"); ?>
<div class="clear"><!-- --></div>