Users, albums and categories


New Member
Reservo User
Sep 12, 2017

I have just freshly installed Reservo and are already bumping into problems that should be easy to solve.

1. How do you create albums?
2. No categories are shown in the category list, not the premade or the ones I create myself. Not for guests or registered users.
3. Images uploaded are not shown to guests on homepage even if set to public (guests can however see images in categories if they know the direct link)

Am I missing some settings or what?


New Member
Reservo User
Sep 12, 2017
Might have solved it. All images became public for guests after added to a public album (yes, I managed to figure out how to create a album).

Is this the only way to make images public to guests and to show categories? I have to put images into an album before the categories are listed? There seem to be a lot of double work just to make images public instead of a simple setting.