ticket system


New Member
YetiShare User
Jan 22, 2014
Since yetishare doesn't have a ticket system, and from what I understand there are not going to be plans for it, i would have to get my own ticket system.. so ive set one up at http://help.mydomain.com but the thing is..... how will i authenticate users ?

If someone opens a ticket saying "Cancel my account" .. how do i know the person opening this ticket, is in fact, the account holder on my yetishare site ?

not to mention, most external ticket systems, they have their own registration / login system....... so thats 2 credentials my users would have to keep track of

1. the yetishare credentials
2. the external ticket system credentials

does anyone have any ideas on how i can effectively utilize an external ticket system ? with regards to authenticating the user or knowing if its really the user

or am i doomed to the contact.html form forever?


New Member
YetiShare User
Wurlie User
Mar 2, 2012
I think you can solve this by adding 1 line in the registration form in ys to add the user to the database table of your ticket system, of course they won't be auto logged in when they go there but at least their credentials would be the same. Then if you disable public registration in the ticket system and also add a line to update the password on ys password changes then i you should be good.

im not good with sql so i cant help with that, but i think the above should work


YetiShare User
Jan 13, 2015
Many companies using third party ticket systems just force users to register in the ticket system, or register them automatically with a random password. Steam for example forces you to have a different login to open support tickets.