Rewards plugin change


New Member
YetiShare User
Aug 26, 2013
Hi Adam, if you can please consider following changes. I'm sure other users are also like them
Current reward plugin is very basic level, once site grows more it needs more advance option

1. Multi count for same ip. ( we discussed it you said you might remove it in next update. But it's required feature. Currently it's counting wrong on videos as you said videos are downloaded in chunk)

2. Video view count based on % of view. Currently it's either 0 or 100.
3. Please remove recent download from client-reward page and add
Date - total view/download for that date - earnings
4. In admin area there is no way we can find how much is users balance? Or if I want to add money in his account, there is no way.
4. I don't understand why you kept agree grated earning. That is just confusion, why not real time count. As soon as user view, account gets updated.
5. Remove monthly payment, and add custom payment mode, weekly, or custom dates..
6. Custom payment methods. Admin can add.

I hope you will add them.


New Member
YetiShare User
Jan 22, 2014
like the new changes so far with the rewards plugin

however it still has many more features to be added hopefully

One i would like is for the admin to be able to see how much they have paid out or how much is pending to be paid out or some sort of view / better understanding of what is going on

like how you do here except this is for queues


Staff member
Dec 5, 2009
Thanks for your feedback guys, we'll make sure these are reviewed for the next plugin update.