Please add support for moderators creation per section.
DMCA moderator: abele to control "Abuse Reports"
Server moderator: abele to control "File Servers & Server Tools"
Rewards moderator: abele to control "Rewards plugin"
Vouchers moderator: abele to control "Vouchers plugin"
Users moderator: abele to control "Users"
Translater: abele to control "Translations"
Designer: abele to control "Themes"
DMCA moderator: abele to control "Abuse Reports"
Server moderator: abele to control "File Servers & Server Tools"
Rewards moderator: abele to control "Rewards plugin"
Vouchers moderator: abele to control "Vouchers plugin"
Users moderator: abele to control "Users"
Translater: abele to control "Translations"
Designer: abele to control "Themes"