1. When on account_home.html and clicking on any of the Download URL/Filenames – I don’t expect it to start a download. When I click that link I expect it to go to the sharing page. I think a lot of people would expect the same behaviour. Think of it from an uploader’s perspective – why would I want to download my own files? What I would do is switch the file name to go to the sharing page, edit the share icon to a download icon and make that the download link. That way it’s less prominent, but still there.
2. The same as #1 is true for ‘your files’ on the homepage. The file name should not be a download link. Don’t make it a link at all or it should be the same as the link in ‘info’ and go to the sharing page. I’m a sharer, not a downloader.
3. Get rid of the split “your files” “folders” setup. It should just be one link and behave like file browsing on any computer. So on account_home.html list all folders and all files. Add a that identifies a folder and a file. Make the folder icons links so people can click on one and browse it and edit the files inside the folder. Inside a folder they see a table with all the files inside that folder with the same links to download/share/edit/delete files.
4. Either option is fine. The current upload, then move the file to a folder is a bit weird.
a. If a user is logged in show a more advanced upload form that shows all options where I can upload directly into a folder on the homepage
b. Again if a user is logged in create a dedicated page with an upload form with advanced options.
5. Add a cancel button on account_edit_folder.html & account_edit_item.html & account_add_folder.html (potentially other pages as well) which returns to the previous page.
6. Add a link in the footer that goes to a page that has a table comparing the premium details and allows people to sign up. It would be similar to a file download page in terms of content.
2. The same as #1 is true for ‘your files’ on the homepage. The file name should not be a download link. Don’t make it a link at all or it should be the same as the link in ‘info’ and go to the sharing page. I’m a sharer, not a downloader.
3. Get rid of the split “your files” “folders” setup. It should just be one link and behave like file browsing on any computer. So on account_home.html list all folders and all files. Add a that identifies a folder and a file. Make the folder icons links so people can click on one and browse it and edit the files inside the folder. Inside a folder they see a table with all the files inside that folder with the same links to download/share/edit/delete files.
4. Either option is fine. The current upload, then move the file to a folder is a bit weird.
a. If a user is logged in show a more advanced upload form that shows all options where I can upload directly into a folder on the homepage
b. Again if a user is logged in create a dedicated page with an upload form with advanced options.
5. Add a cancel button on account_edit_folder.html & account_edit_item.html & account_add_folder.html (potentially other pages as well) which returns to the previous page.
6. Add a link in the footer that goes to a page that has a table comparing the premium details and allows people to sign up. It would be similar to a file download page in terms of content.