YetiShare is currently not usable legally if you want to use the subscription features (which is certainly the case for 99% of those who purchase YetiShare) and except if your Company is Offshore in a country who doesn't require accounting (this is not my case), you must create and send their invoices to all your customers with the hand, which is not feasible or would be very expensive when you have a large number of customers, unless maybe if you hire Chinese to do this job :lol:
Why not include in the Core of YetiShare a Invoicing system like the one used by the site MFScripts / YetiShare?
The features to be included are:
- An HTML template to adapt invoices to his own country, translate in our language and to change the design.
- A page "My Details" to fulfill his personal information (optionnally order not to lose customers because this take too many time to complete the form) otherwise the email address will be used as the default Invoicing information (like on MFScripts / YetiShare).
- A logical numbering system to have an invoice number to usable standards for accounting, this numbering system need to be ready for a large number of invoices (maybe with a rotating monthly cycle ?).
- Save all invoices in a folder "Invoices" as proof of payment, for the accounting and to allow users to download their invoices when they wish.
- Put the folders Invoices in Subfolders by Year and Subfolders by Month to facilitate the accounting.
- The sending of the invoice by email after purchasing a subscription to the customer.
- A page "My Invoices" with dates of invoices and the possibility to download the PDF.
- Protect the folder "Invoices" by an .htaccess to allow the customers to downloads only their own Invoices.
YetiShare is a Professional script that is clearly oriented toward Business use, it's mainly used by Companies, and for everything to be legal a complete Invoicing system with automation is essential, like for each website who sell subscriptions or other.
I've see the Roadmap for the versions 4.4 and 4.5, good things are coming but I think this is more important to add a Invoicing system, currently YetiShare is not ready to be used to make Business, we can't create all Invoices one by one, so my Company can't use it.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
YetiShare is currently not usable legally if you want to use the subscription features (which is certainly the case for 99% of those who purchase YetiShare) and except if your Company is Offshore in a country who doesn't require accounting (this is not my case), you must create and send their invoices to all your customers with the hand, which is not feasible or would be very expensive when you have a large number of customers, unless maybe if you hire Chinese to do this job :lol:
Why not include in the Core of YetiShare a Invoicing system like the one used by the site MFScripts / YetiShare?
The features to be included are:
- An HTML template to adapt invoices to his own country, translate in our language and to change the design.
- A page "My Details" to fulfill his personal information (optionnally order not to lose customers because this take too many time to complete the form) otherwise the email address will be used as the default Invoicing information (like on MFScripts / YetiShare).
- A logical numbering system to have an invoice number to usable standards for accounting, this numbering system need to be ready for a large number of invoices (maybe with a rotating monthly cycle ?).
- Save all invoices in a folder "Invoices" as proof of payment, for the accounting and to allow users to download their invoices when they wish.
- Put the folders Invoices in Subfolders by Year and Subfolders by Month to facilitate the accounting.
- The sending of the invoice by email after purchasing a subscription to the customer.
- A page "My Invoices" with dates of invoices and the possibility to download the PDF.
- Protect the folder "Invoices" by an .htaccess to allow the customers to downloads only their own Invoices.
YetiShare is a Professional script that is clearly oriented toward Business use, it's mainly used by Companies, and for everything to be legal a complete Invoicing system with automation is essential, like for each website who sell subscriptions or other.
I've see the Roadmap for the versions 4.4 and 4.5, good things are coming but I think this is more important to add a Invoicing system, currently YetiShare is not ready to be used to make Business, we can't create all Invoices one by one, so my Company can't use it.
Thank you in advance for your answer.