Infinite interim download page loop...


New Member
YetiShare User
Sep 2, 2014

i'm using the countdown waiting method for non members and free members. but after the loop ends and clicking the download link, quite a number of my visitors are redirected back to the same page. over and over and over again. some say endless loop. im using the media player plugin, so its suppose to direct them to there.

is it due to certain session quirkiness or some cookie or etc?
what should i do to fix this


New Member
YetiShare User
Sep 2, 2014
yes 4... it seems to have an issue in prior version too.

anyways, i read the codes and i know why. everytime you are on an interim page, a session variable is stored to indicate which page number you are on (bcoz u can have more than 2-3 pages for users to click before the final file). so if i want to open multiple windows so i can save time to let all countdown got to 0, every new concurrent window will replace the same session variable. so it can an endliess loop if you keep toogling from window 1,2,3.

this is plain stupid, imo


New Member
Jul 23, 2014
Why is it stupid? Don't think like a surfer. If they don't like it, they will pay so they can skip all the download pages.


New Member
YetiShare User
Sep 2, 2014
you;re misunderstanding me!

if i click download after waiting for the timer, it will bring me back to the same page, over and over again for the same file. this happens whenever i have 2 tabs open and trying to download 2 different files. tab 2 will overwrite tab 1 settings and tab 1 will over write tab 2 settings. they are using sessions to save details of what a user is tryin to download. so the session variable gets overwritten with every download page load.