Forum Guidelines


Staff member
Dec 5, 2009
Hi all,

We've had a lot of bespoke development requests in lately but we're unfortunately not able to work on a lot of them due to our workload with the core scripts.

Rather than point people towards Elance (which can be hit and miss at the best of times!) I've setup this forum so others can request any dev work and hopefully make use of the dev skills of other YetiShare users.

For users which need work doing:

- Please post as much information as possible. You'll not get many responses by posting 'I need a new theme'. Post what you want it to include, what changes you'd like, any example sites you like etc.
- List how much your budget is or a budget range. Also how you want to pay.
- Use PMs on the site to discuss finer detail as well as payment info.

Note: As we aren't managing the payments side of things for this, I'd recommend both parties use an escrow service such as to clear the work before releasing payment. See their website for more information.

Feel free to drop me an email if you have any question - [email protected].
