I've been looking around in the available plugins for a processor I can use, but I'm having issues.
What do people use without issues? I can't use OKpay, because of country restriction. I can't use byteseller because I'm looking to get started as a small site and don't meet the 100 eur requirement. And most others seem to state they don't accept filehosts.
Seems the ones I CAN use are only coin payments. That is fine, but only having these as an option won't be a good idea. I need one that isn't going to lock my account.
What do people use without issues? I can't use OKpay, because of country restriction. I can't use byteseller because I'm looking to get started as a small site and don't meet the 100 eur requirement. And most others seem to state they don't accept filehosts.
Seems the ones I CAN use are only coin payments. That is fine, but only having these as an option won't be a good idea. I need one that isn't going to lock my account.