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  1. N

    mycript soluton ubuntu 14.04 lts server 64bit edition

    Here is the solution to use the script on a ubuntu 14.04 lts server 64bit my site -running ubuntu 14.04 lts server 64bit edition- uses the mcrypt too. somehow the default installation did not enable the mcrypt. so we do have to enable it manually by doing "sudo php5enmod mcrypt", restart the...
  2. N

    Downloading large scripts

    Hiya, I can succesfully upload a large file (zip) (500mb) without any problems. If i check the directory by FTP i see that the file is corectly uploaded. But if i want to download the file, i only get 1,4 mb of corrupt (zip) data. When downloading if via FTP i get the complete file. Any clues...
  3. N

    I can upload, but 404 error when going to file link.

    Problem solved! I put the memory_limit higher
  4. N

    I can upload, but 404 error when going to file link.

    Same issue here on larger files. Small files (5mb) works ok. Im using the FTP to other server option
  5. N

    Using Amazon S3, but no downloads

    Hiya, Im using Amazon S3 storage. File uploading go's fine (also large files) But when downloading it downloads 0bites due permissions. The Bucket permissions is set to Everyone, but the new generated sub-directories where the file is stored not. If i manual edit the file to Everyone, it works...
  6. N

    Translate easy to do?

    Hiya, I saw in the mysql database this table: language_content I downloaded it, and uploaded it into google translate (i chose "Dutch") In some seconds the file was translated almost 99 ok into Dutch. My question is: Is there a way to put it in the database back? Cause that makes the...
  7. N

    Extenal file server limit

    See here the -tmp dir:
  8. N

    Extenal file server limit

    =========================================================== 2014-01-17 02:16:54 - Array ( [Error Msg] => Undefined variable: chunk_tracker [File] => /var/www/vhosts/ [Line Number] => 157 [Error Type] => E_NOTICE )...
  9. N

    Extenal file server limit

    Hi Adam, Its using FTP (so not direct) 6-9 MB files works good, but bigger files get problems. If i look at the _tmp folder (with write permissions set as tryed: 755, 766 ad 777) i see only 1 file thats getting bigger and bigger. So no parts!! Regards, Nico
  10. N

    Extenal file server limit

    Hiya, I have installed a external fileserver to host files. But files larger that 10 mb are not stored on that server. I saw that the files are stored on the _tmp i made on the main server and still stay on that place. Those larger files get the message: ERROR: There was a server problem when...
  11. N

    Download direct from external file server

    Hiya, Im using the storage of my external server. But is it possible that the files also been downloaded directly from that external file server? As far as i can see the "data transfer" is also counting on the site the script is installed. Nico
  12. N

    Remote Upload Not Working?

    Same issue here: Error: Could not get remote file. The site is an "open" site without any restrictions. Regards, Nico