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  1. Y

    How to fix this WARNING session_write_close() AND ftp_nb_continue()

    Re: How to fix this WARNING ftp_nb_continue() Hi, How to fix this WARNING ftp_nb_continue() 2017-06-08 14:33:04 - *** WARNING *** Array ( [Error Msg] => ftp_nb_continue(): Opening BINARY mode data connection for files/aa/filenamehash (19680862 bytes) [File] =>...
  2. Y

    Shows all files and directories in my account.?!?!

    Hi Adam, This bug occurs to me. How do I fix this problem. Thanks.
  3. Y

    Plugin FTP ERROR

    Hi Adam, Thank you for having responded very well. Regards.
  4. Y

    Plugin FTP ERROR

    Hi, I install ftp plugin in the admin panel site and install proftpd & proftpd-mysql in server. When I want using ftp method, show the following message. FTP ERROR: Failed connecting to via FTP. Please answer my questions and problems. 1) How to setup and configure the proftpd in...
  5. Y

    How to fix this WARNING session_write_close() AND ftp_nb_continue()

    Hi, How to fix this WARNING session_write_close() and ftp_nb_continue() =========================================================== 2017-04-27 01:50:25 - *** WARNING *** Array ( [Error Msg] => ftp_nb_continue(): Opening BINARY mode data connection for files/ [File] =>...
  6. Y

    Failed connecting to server to remove files.

    Hi, I can upload any files and manage the all files but when i want remove any file in site admin panel then following message is displayed! Failed connecting to server to remove files. How can I fix this problem. Thanks.
  7. Y

    How To Add New Package Type

    Hi, I am a new add Package as (Direct Link). Now how to change package type as Paid to Direct Link OR add new package type as Direct Link ? Please look at the following image: Thanks.
  8. Y

    YetiShare v4.4 Beta Bug Tracker

    Hi, I am a new add Package as (Direct Link). Now how to change package type as Paid to Direct Link. Please look at the following image: Thanks.
  9. Y

    Error: Could not upload to direct file server

    Hi, I use a sub-domain as fileServer. Domain: Fileserver: Thanks.
  10. Y

    Error: Could not upload to direct file server

    Hi, 1) I added a new file server of type direct file server. 2) Upload all file and folder main site to the direct file server. 3) Test and check direct file server in panel admin. Test it is visible in the image below. 4) Now upload any file then error upload file. Test it is visible in the...
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    Folder Upload

    Hi, Please add new features Folder Upload. Like uploading files, users can also upload folders Best Regards.
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    Yetishare 4.4 Release Date

    That's great. Very important: In the version 4.4 release include the Create direct links to download files forever? Grateful.
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    Iranian Payment plugin

    Hi Adam, Many customers visit my site from Iran. I need a payment plugin a system called "zarinpal of iran". Please design provide an online payment system for the Thanks.
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    Yetishare 4.4 Release Date

    Hi Adam, 4 weeks later. What day is the release of version Yetishare 4.4 ? ---------------------------------- When is the release date video hosting?
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    Create direct link without expire date and time

    Hello, Please add a new feature to the next release script to download files directly for specific user. if any user purchased special account, then can create direct link without expire date and time for any files and put on the any site and any users(Guest Users) can download file directly...
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    need direct link imageviewer

    Hi, Please see the .htaccess file. Because your use nginx server, you must config nginx. If you can not solve your problem, you send me a message. Tnx.
  17. Y

    popup upload not work in chrome!

    Hi, I updated Chrome browser to the latest Version 53.0.2785.116 m Now Yetishare 4.3 not work for upload file. popup upload in the index.html to the latest version chrome not work. How do I fix this bug? Thanks
  18. Y

    Yetishare Admin Area Messed Up After Reboot

    Hi, You must login to phpmyadmin and delete the all information from the table sessions.