Hello, I'm selling a custom made theme I made based on the flow theme.
Click here to view the demo
If you are interested please email me: [email protected]
I wanted to do this for Yetishare, I think you just have to remove the code from the rewards page but it's too complicated for me as it's not just the rewards page you need to remove code from. It's way too time consuming. Assuming Reservo is similar to Yetishare.
This is a screenshot from a site user:
Many users have complained about this and i have tried different servers to see if it's a server issue, it's not. I have tried uploading before and had the same error. This has been happening for a while but have brushed it off hoping it'll stop showing...
is it possible to add other file hosts to work with Remote URL Upload, I have tested all major file hosts and none work. The only file hosts which have worked are sites which use Yetishare?
If it's possible to add other file hosts.. how can we do this?
Hello, would it be possible to implement a shortened down version of the file download url. Exactly the same as mirrorcreator.com/file/9egjge when a file is uploaded they produce a shortened version which is mir.cr/file/9egjge
Also how do you push notifications on the top right hand side of the...
These are my current cronjobs. They don't seem to be working.
I have attached the image of my cron jobs to this thread please take a look and tell me what I've done wrong?
Kind Regards,
Yes exactly that. When the admin authorizes a payment and the payment is complete it'll be listed to what user was paid and how much on the proof of payments page.
This is obviously not a necessity but it'll be nice to see as a future new plugin maybe?
Exactly the same as this: https://www.file-upload.com/?op=payment_proof
Possibly make it a plugin for YetiShare.
Ofcourse you'll need rewards plugin for the above plugin to work?
It's completely up to you if you wish to conduct any business with xFileSharingTemplates.com but I'm going to simply advise you not to. They are good to bargain with to get a cheap YetiShare theme most of their themes have small problems here and there.
Once you have purchased a theme and run...
-1 The only reason I'm not supporting this is because it's not as important as other updates and suggestions. I think it should be considered in the future but for now I think the developers have more important things to focus on. The report file page does that job pretty well. This special page...
It's obviously a Xenforo forum. Found the theme but MF seems to have edited the theme a little.
Theme: https://www.themehouse.com/xenforo/2/themes/ui-x