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  1. cr33p

    some js files 404

    just tested fresh install of yettishare. always 404 error on 'uploader.js' and 'translations.js' how can i fix it ?
  2. cr33p

    Failed loading uploader, please try again later.

    same thing nginx only, forced ssl
  3. cr33p

    VestaCp Error WebMail and PhpMy Admin

    vesta is abandoned long time ago use this
  4. cr33p

    Mr (How to remove) how can i remove first name and last name ?
  5. cr33p

    v4.x: remove first and last name from signup page

    how can i disable first and last name ? can i just comment in html ?
  6. cr33p

    custom coding needed

    PM me
  7. cr33p

    premium membership and premium downloads

    Not at this time, latest version. Need custom coding. Can someone code it for me ?
  8. cr33p

    v4.x: remove first and last name from signup page

    hi if i remove first and last name from signup page, will registration work ok ? i mean, i don't need people to type in such details thanks in advance.
  9. cr33p

    a lot of php errors

    php version 7.4 just installed example cron file Deprecated: Non-static method App\Helpers\BackgroundTaskHelper::start() should not be called statically in /www/wwwroot/
  10. cr33p

    copy files from one user to another

    i have one user who upload files, how can i copy those files to another user ? i need to clone files between 2 different users.
  11. cr33p

    question about file server

    Hello. I want to add file server. Where actual files will be downloaded from if i choose 'remote direct' sever type ?
  12. cr33p

    premium ONLY downloads and payouts for uploaders

    Hello. As i mentioned in subject, i need option for uploaders to set premium only for their files. Can i do so in yetishare ? I don't need PPD or any other free methods. Just premium ONLY downloads. And if users bought premium account percent of it goes to uploader, for example 70% from payment...