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  1. P

    xsendfile or xAccelRedirect and the downloads page

    Adam, regarding this If this is true.. Would this still apply to xAccelRedirect ? Would nginx know if the download was completed or not, therefore not rewarding them if it hasnt been ? im assuming so because i think i saw some reference of xaccelredirect on the rewards plugin
  2. P

    xsendfile or xAccelRedirect and the downloads page

    Thanks for pointing this out. I was unaware of this. The reason i'm interested is because, when I upload a file to my yetishare site, and the file resides on, and then I download that file from a SERVER on the SAME network, the speed goes kind of slow.. like 5...
  3. P

    YetiShare v4.3 Beta Bug Tracker

    I saw some post by you saying something about the sessions are going to be improved or somethign about it going from 65k to 1k or something.. Will that be in 4.3 ? i can't find the post right now but it would be awesome if it was going to be in 4.3
  4. P

    YetiShare v4.3 Beta Bug Tracker

    on my site, that was yetishare 4.0, i was able to download 4.2 and then use winmerge and compare the folder structure file by file, manually added in new files, compared the php files, added in new lines of code, and long story short, i was able to upgrade to 4.2 without having to re-do the...
  5. P

    xsendfile or xAccelRedirect and the downloads page

    On the downloads page, /admin/download_current.php it says Note: This page will not show any data if you are using xSendFile (Apache) or xAccelRedirect (Nginx) to handle your file downloads. I appreciate the xsendfile and xaccelredirect support, because it allows downloads to go faster etc...
  6. P

    How many are using the FTP storage?

    when you go to add a file server, under server type, instead of Local Storage, Remote Direct, who has been using the FTP method ? and how has it been working out for you
  7. P

    end to end encryption

    I think what the poster is getting at is that there are more and more file hosting sites that offer encryption, whereas yetishare offers none (as far as I can tell??).. So it makes it hard for us to compete w/ those sites.. so i agree with OP that yetishare script should start to have more...
  8. P

    converted copies

    I think that the converted copy links.. the ones that say $filename (converted).$extension .. they should be moved on the users account to a folder called "converted links" or something..... so that the user doesnt get confused with a bunch of files on their account that have (converted) in the...
  9. P

    ability to set multiple ftp servers (ftp plugin)

    The ftp plugin settings, where you set the FTP Host.. right now you can only put one host.. I ask for more than 1 ftp host support. because if there is only one ftp host, then people will upload to that and if it gets overloaded or something, there should be more than 1 ftp host
  10. P

    Media Converter resolution issues

    Quoting my original post from the other subforum I propose something where this problem doesnt happen anymore. where if a mobile user uploads a video at a resolution of say 320x480 then it should stay that way , not forcefully turned into the resolution defined by the media converter settings
  11. P

    Request for videos to buffer

    I took a video and converted it to 1400k instead of the typical 2000k -- I notice now that the video buffers , but only as the video plays. a small amount. If you pause the video, it doesnt keep buffering and thats the main issue
  12. P

    Media Converter plugin - How is this solved?

    So someone uploaded a video, presumbly made with a phone, and this is how it came out This file ran through the mediaconverter plugin.. My max video size is set to 1280 x 720 on the media converter settings "The maximum size to resize videos to. i.e. 640x320...