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  1. E

    Migrate Form Apache To NGINX

    There is no risk of data loss. The risk is to have your site offline due to a bad configuration on nginx. I suggest making a backup and restoring it on a test server and them try to migrate the test server to nginx.
  2. E

    4.3 chrome full screen anyone?

    Yes. The header is visible here on chrome, opera and safari.
  3. E

    4.3 chrome full screen anyone?

    Well, some people may think it's a feature, showing the site logo at the top all the time :D
  4. E

    Voucher Reseller Plugin

    The script should have and api (or at least a main class) for payments. Any plugin should be able to create an invoice/order with a simple api call and the api should display/select the payment method.
  5. E

    Setting for number of video conversions per server

    ffmpeg doesn't use multiple threads in every video format. In those cases it makes sense to convert multiple files in one server.
  6. E

    What happens to the files client stored, if his account gets downgraded?

    The script will see he as a free user and delete any inactive file. The script will not delete files just because the user used more space than he should. The files will be deleted after X days without downloads.
  7. E

    Error when 2 files are being created at the exact same time

    Hello. The file table has an unique index on the shortUrl field. This field is filled with the string 'temp' by the moveIntoStorage function in the file class. The script doesn't use transactions but mysql queries are atomic. When 2 files are being processed at the same time, one of them will...
  8. E

    mysql user/pass

    The fileservers also need to write into the db. The downloads must be logged, the stats, the rewards in the rewards plugin, the download tracker... You can't just prevent them to write. If someone gets access to your server, it's over. Having a different mysql user to fileservers doesn't...
  9. E

    Chnage Admin Url

    If you change it you should also change your cron jobs to work with the new folder.
  10. E

    archive manager uploadedIP

    The remote upload doesn't log the user's ip either.
  11. E

    Please update your jQuery Version to min. 1.7 error message

    Have you tried to replace the jquery to the newer version?
  12. E

    Template engine

    + 1 for the template engine, but not smarty. Smarty is overkill, I never liked it. Currently the "templates" in ys are not templates at all. They are php files with some html. They have logic, they make sql queries and etc. The idea of templates is to separate the logic from the view and make...
  13. E

    Ability to zip up folder

    What about selecting files from different folders to zip? And what if the zip process takes a long time? What if several users try to zip files at the same time? I think this zip feature should be done in the background, have a queue just like the remote upload. There is also issues with files...
  14. E

    File Leech Logins to be Submited by Users

    You mean use the logins to download files from the users account on others filehosts only, right? Because if you use their logins in a leech to download any file, they will get their accounts banned.
  15. E

    File servers ( Remote direct ) problem

    This htaccess check is just a request to /contact.html on the direct fileserver. If this request fail (response code != 200) it will thrown this error. This request will fail because you are not supposed to access pages using the fileserver's domain. You shouldn't rely on those checks in the...
  16. E

    Translations on 4.3

    I was going to post this in the bug tracked topic, but it was closed. So, I don't have the 4.3 but I just saw the translations on and they appear to be really bad. I guess they were generated using google translator. I read some lines of the...
  17. E

    File servers ( Remote direct ) problem

    Check if the mysql port (3306) is open and not blocked by any firewall.
  18. E

    Preventing direct linking

    I posted a reply in you other topic:
  19. E

    v4.3's smtp email function is broken

    eregi_replace was deprecated for a long time and it was removed from php7. Replace it with preg_replace.