Search results

  1. ddeubel

    Having issues with pdf thumbnails

    I made a support ticket with server login details. Any follow up on this? Important issue so I can start uploading content onto the servers. Some pdfs work, some don't give thumbnails. Really would appreciate some help, my developer can't figure it...
  2. ddeubel

    Urgent request

    Hi Adam, Is there any setting for making the description and tags searchable? I've tested on many devices and it isn't working out of the box. Search results just pulled from the document title.
  3. ddeubel

    Urgent request

    Yep. Good addition and helpful along with the description. I will customize to put the description on the front end. Would be nice if that was out of the box in a future release.
  4. ddeubel

    Amazon S3 plugin

    Thanks Yes. See that. I purchased and will do some customization. One thing I am finding is that when you set up Amazon S3 as a server ImageMagick doesn't show PDF document thumbnail preview. Any work around for this? I'm using Yetishare to sell pdf files and looks ugly without the...
  5. ddeubel

    Urgent request

    Has this been added to upgrades? Crucial for me - users need to be better able to search for files through tags.
  6. ddeubel

    Amazon S3 plugin

    I have a bucket with 1,000s of PDFs. If I use the plugin, will it automatically populate the site with the pdfs for users to download from the Amazon bucket? I understand you upload files and then they are put on Amazon. But does the reverse work. Upload to Amazon bucket and the...