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  1. sitepro1476

    Forcing a New Preview

    OK, I am getting the error anytime I edit a font. I am guessing that the previewOverride column wasn't successfully patched in? Was this an error with one of the patches, or did it just not take even though the imports were both reported as successful? Look forward to getting this resolved...
  2. sitepro1476

    Forcing a New Preview

    I upgraded from Font Site Script 1.1 to 2.01 following the instructions in the __UPGRADE.txt file. This includes importing the 1.1 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 2.01 patches. Before the upgrade I uploaded 9 fonts and only 1 previewed, so I approved the one that previews correctly and I tried to force a...
  3. sitepro1476

    Fonts website script

    Believe me, you are doing a great job. I thank you. Just so I don't forget later down the road, when we approve a font for public download it would be great to have the app automatically post to our Facebook/Twitter (etc...) account with the new font name, its link and the categories it is...
  4. sitepro1476

    Not Quite Working Just Yet...

    Thanks, by the way. ;)
  5. sitepro1476

    Fonts website script

    LOL :grin: Yup. Also, with the bulk upload, there are certain fonts that are supposed to be distributed together. So one archive should contain, say, 4 different versions of one font (regular, bold, italic, bold italic). They are freeware fonts and we are allowed to distribute them as...
  6. sitepro1476

    Fonts website script

    <del>Some fonts are ALL CAPS or all lower case and when the name uses characters from the other, it looks bad, usually with big blank squares. Allow us the option to display the font name in all upper case for cap/initial fonts or all lower case (usually for ding bats, as well as some lower...
  7. sitepro1476

    Not Quite Working Just Yet...

    Here's my .htaccess file which was uploaded... Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ $1.php [L] RewriteRule ^c/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/$ categories.php?c=$1&page=$3 [QSA] RewriteRule ^c/(.*)/(.*)$ categories.php?c=$1 [QSA] RewriteRule ^a-z/(.*)/(.*)/$...
  8. sitepro1476

    Not Quite Working Just Yet...

    Having a bit of trouble getting to different areas on the site... I installed the system on my domain & web hosting using the address after passing the (although it didn't know about mod_rewrite, I know that...