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  1. W

    Setting up Stripe

    Stripe plugin does not properly work with the new Stripe interface, as they changed lots of things in their API.
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    Upcoming Major Update

    Greetings everyone, Adam any sneak peaks of the upcoming update?, or perhaps a little update on the progress would really make us all happy. What major changes are we to expect?
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    accept SMS payments

    What about DMCA complaints? There are tons of other gateways too, but File Sharing platforms needs DMCA proof Gateways, that is why all of them uses bitcoin.
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    Torrent Leach Plugin

    Hey adam, so as the new torrent leach plugin is updated and hopefully in the upcoming big update we will see much more. But an imporant feature for the plugin leach is to have an option to automatically archive the files into .zip or .rar etc. Because as you know almost all of the torrents are...
  5. W

    Limit download transfer

    Seems a really important and big update, would love to test the beta.
  6. W

    Premium Users Server And File Size Priority

    And adam a third crucial function i think should be an option in File manager to cancel an ongoing subscription. Users will complain about being automatically charged, so i think its a good idea to place a a button for cancelling the subscription, and also the above 2 suggestions if you like...
  7. W

    Hello, can you tell me where the download pages are located to edit them and how do I change the url to be different from the main domain, Thanks

    Site Configuration > Download Pages Here you can set different pages for different users, i think by default there are 4 in Flow theme.
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    (Solved) Contact Form Not Working

    @adam hi, how are you all of a sudden my emails has stopped being sent from the script. I am using the same google SMTP servers and everything i tested my main email in mail-tester and i get 10/10 score I have moved to cloudflare though i dont know if that will have...
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    VestaCp Erro WebMail and PhpMy Admin

    Post your complete conf file here and what errors are you getting?
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    Premium Users Server And File Size Priority

    Greetings Adam and team, i wanted to suggest a change in the upcoming update. 1st. There should be an option to set default a specific server for Premium users only, this is very important as you want your premium users separate from the public ones. Their files and downloads will go more...
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    https - www

    Make sure you made the changes in your file
  12. W

    2Checkout Payment Gateway

    Hi adam, would love to see 2Checkout integrated into the script as its one of the most popular gateway.
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    (SOLVED) API Server / User Relation

    To fix the issue, simply go to /core/includes/api/v2/endpoint/file.api.php and replace the following with $url = file::getUploadUrl() . '/core/page/ajax/api_upload_handler.ajax.php'; With $Auth = Auth::getAuth(); $Auth->impersonate($username); $url =...
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    (Solved) Contact Form Not Working

    Issue Fixed, Thanks :)
  15. W

    (SOLVED) API Server / User Relation

    Okay Adam no problem i will wait for the release, i have replaced core\includes\api\v2\endpoint/file.api.php $url = file::getUploadUrl() . '/core/page/ajax/api_upload_handler.ajax.php'; With $Auth->impersonate($username); $url = file::getUploadUrl() ...
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    Limit download transfer

    Adam please let us know about the upcoming updates via your blog we'd love to see what work is going on
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    (SOLVED) API Server / User Relation

    Hi Adam thanks for replying please give it a look and give me a fix for this now, as the next release will take sometime. Thanks a lot :) ;)