Recent content by youngmikehentai1361

  1. Y

    yetishare 4.0

    I uploaded the file you mentioned but it didn't work its still not changing no matter what I do.
  2. Y

    4.0 Problems after Upgrading

    Thanks Adam that worked and I got the site up and running but I did find a small error I cannot edit the download pages its says this at the bottom of the page "Are you sure you want to delete the download page on this user type?" it says the same thing on the user page "Are you sure you want to...
  3. Y

    4.0 Problems after Upgrading

    Another error in the admin folder error log PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_create_iv() in /home/*****/public_html/core/includes/password.class.php on line 47
  4. Y

    4.0 Problems after Upgrading

    I upgraded to 4.0 and I got a lot of errors here here is what my error log says EDIT Fixed the stats error but when I try and login in it gives me a blank page and people can't upgrade it gives a blank page when they click on the button My error log just says this PHP Startup: Unable to load...
  5. Y

    Amazing Theme for 3.5.2 !

    Its nice its it available if so how much are you asking for it , and will it be compatible when upgrades occur?
  6. Y

    SolveMedia & KeyCaptcha Captcha Modification (v3.5.2)

    What about the people that bought it in the past do we have to purchase it again?
  7. Y

    Custom Expiration Dates

    What about custom expiration dates like allow the admin to set when a file expires instead of all files which could still be there but select a special file with no expiration date this would be great addition.
  8. Y

    Auto Log out

    Any fix for this I mean the admins here are very silent this is a SERIOUS ISSUE AND IS AFFECTING MY SITE AND MY CUSTOMERS
  9. Y

    Auto Log out

    What exactly am I doing here because it do not log them out unless they try and download so I don't think that's a cache error what do I edit to fix this exactly?
  10. Y

    Yourls Migration

    I have yourls installed but I want to transition over to mfscripts url shorting script would you guys do the same thing you did for xfilesharing and make a migration from yourls to your script I have a lot of urls I want to save.
  11. Y

    Auto Log out

    Every time my users download and try and download again it logs them out I tested and it does it for me as well any fix for this?
  12. Y

    Active Downloads Not Showing

    Finally thank you so much been dealing with this for so long.
  13. Y

    what's going on with yetisharemods?

    Yetisharemods I ordered the vouchers plugin and the solve media plugin I have not received any messages yet could I get them?