2016-04-03 09:09:28 - *** ERROR *** Array
[Error Msg] => Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eregi_replace() in /............/core/includes/coreFunctions.class.php:642
Stack trace:
#0 /................../themes/flow/templates/register.html(180): coreFunctions::sendHtmlEmail(Array, 'Account details...', '<html>\n <hea...', 'xxxxxxx..')
#1 /..................../index.php(23): require_once('/..........................')
#2 {main}
[File] => /....../core/includes/coreFunctions.class.php
[Line Number] => 642
[Error Type] => E_ERROR
apparently php7 removed eregi_replace() function which is still in use by v4.3
2016-04-03 09:09:28 - *** ERROR *** Array
[Error Msg] => Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eregi_replace() in /............/core/includes/coreFunctions.class.php:642
Stack trace:
#0 /................../themes/flow/templates/register.html(180): coreFunctions::sendHtmlEmail(Array, 'Account details...', '<html>\n <hea...', 'xxxxxxx..')
#1 /..................../index.php(23): require_once('/..........................')
#2 {main}
[File] => /....../core/includes/coreFunctions.class.php
[Line Number] => 642
[Error Type] => E_ERROR
apparently php7 removed eregi_replace() function which is still in use by v4.3