I've experimenting a strange issue.
I'm translating the site to another language using the back-end. But I've noticed a few times already that the number of translation entries keep adding up.
For example, the total entries were bellow 600 a few hours ago, and now the total is 629. I've been looking around the entries and in fact I found a few new entries that weren't there before, mixed with the already translated entries.
This is a problem and should be fixed because can lead to the translator to miss part of the entries and the site will be poorly translated, with missing translations and will look very unprofessional. Specially when the target audience language and the main site language is exactly the translated language. Will look fishy and people will avoid the site.
Anyway, what is the total entries that should appear?
Thank you.
I've experimenting a strange issue.
I'm translating the site to another language using the back-end. But I've noticed a few times already that the number of translation entries keep adding up.
For example, the total entries were bellow 600 a few hours ago, and now the total is 629. I've been looking around the entries and in fact I found a few new entries that weren't there before, mixed with the already translated entries.
This is a problem and should be fixed because can lead to the translator to miss part of the entries and the site will be poorly translated, with missing translations and will look very unprofessional. Specially when the target audience language and the main site language is exactly the translated language. Will look fishy and people will avoid the site.
Anyway, what is the total entries that should appear?
Thank you.