Suggestion in Admin Area…


New Member
Jan 12, 2012
When somebody uploads the new font file on the Font Site…

How can I know where to find the “pending” new font? It was supposed to display the “pending” font in home of admin area so you can select “Active” or “Decline” (then it will delete file and sql) It would be very easy for the administration to do instead of looking for new “pending” font file in manage fonts.

How can I rename the font file in Font Name Column under Manage Fonts?

If I have extra about 5,000 font files for importing them in the Font Site, How can I upgrade the sql without duplicate the same file in sql (or DB)?

Can you create the menu option in main page for selecting the number of font in page? Like… 10, 20 or 50 fonts in each webpage.

Let me know.


Staff member
Dec 5, 2009
Hi Rusty,

Thanks for the feedback.

You should be able to order the table by status which will make finding the pending ones a lot easier. Although agreed a clear filter or dedicated page for pending ones would be useful.

You can't currently rename or change the details of fonts within the admin area. (on the RFCs) This needs to be done via the database.

As for the bulk import, I can't think of an easy way of doing this I'm afraid. Another thing on our RFCs is a bulk import script but it's not been developed just yet.

I've added your last point about the amount on each page to the RFCs for review too.

Thanks again,