in the admin section, have a section or setting where we can define if a file is getting more than 50 downloads, to then queue up that file to be copied to all file servers
so that when people go to access it, they're not all just raping the one file server and then everyones experience becomes poor. so once its on all the file servers, when people visit that particular url, the serverID in the database instead of being a single value, it could be multiple values. so if you got 3 file servers, the serverId value is now 3 values, like so say serverId 8, 9 and 10.. so itd be in the database "8,9,10" and then the php script/code will split the values into 3 and randomly choose one server Id and thats the server Id they land on when they access the shorturl
but then also if that file is ever removed in any way shape or form, that of course, the database remembers, to remove it form all file servers, so its not just left over
so that when people go to access it, they're not all just raping the one file server and then everyones experience becomes poor. so once its on all the file servers, when people visit that particular url, the serverID in the database instead of being a single value, it could be multiple values. so if you got 3 file servers, the serverId value is now 3 values, like so say serverId 8, 9 and 10.. so itd be in the database "8,9,10" and then the php script/code will split the values into 3 and randomly choose one server Id and thats the server Id they land on when they access the shorturl
but then also if that file is ever removed in any way shape or form, that of course, the database remembers, to remove it form all file servers, so its not just left over