Inability to use ctrl-a to select input in email/password text fields in additional options


New Member
YetiShare User
Wurlie User
Mar 2, 2012
If you try n add input in the password or the email text field in the additional options wrapper the ctrl-a just ends up selecting the background files if your in the account_home page, while im not sure how to disable this while the wrapper is open,

if you add

if (e.keyCode == 65 && e.ctrlKey) {


right under <div id="additionalOptionsWrapper" class="additional-options-wrapper" style="display: none; padding-top:5px;">
in the file in the themes/flow/templates/partial, it'll actually select any text in the field as well. after the upload goes through the account_home file listing is refreshed anyway so the file selection is no longer an issue.

i suppose we can use this for those who want it as a fix until its fixed permanently if mfscripts chooses to do so

best regards