is there anybody who can create the custom payment gateway for YetiShare?
On my eye is WechatPay
My version: Yetishare v5.3.1
WechatPay Official website:
More information on the Omnipay payment gateway API can be found here:
is there anybody who can create the custom payment gateway for YetiShare?
On my eye is WechatPay
My version: Yetishare v5.3.1
WechatPay Official website:

WeChat Pay Open Platform
Up to now, the number of monthly active users of WeChat Pay around the world has exceeded 800 million; merchants from more than 49 countries and regions have been allowed to access WeChat Pay; more than 16 currencies, including HKD, USD, GBP, JPY, CAD, AUD, EUR, NZD, KRW, THB, SGD, RUB, DKK...
More information on the Omnipay payment gateway API can be found here:
Omnipay - Multi-gateway payment processing library
GitHub - lokielse/omnipay-wechatpay: (微信支付)WeChatPay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library
(微信支付)WeChatPay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library - lokielse/omnipay-wechatpay