i thought about that, but yes the . would look strange, this can be done via htaccess but unfortunately when i tried it going to the admin url just goes to the main site instead and downloading stops working, didnt try upload, i think being able to change url formats would be a good feature, you can do it in a few cms' like drupal or wordpress
if it was up to me id have the url bar the same for everypage a person goes to www.whateverurl.com, although this may not be seo friendly
if you cant tell im all about customization and i clearly take it too far, if you want check out my site https://filebay.co, id be more than happy to share any mods ive done with the community.
i found a solution for the ctrl-a on text fields selecting the background file manager, however it involves disabling ctrl-a from the file manager, one can still select all files by right clicking and clicking on select all files, ill be posting it within the next few days when i get a chance
i think we should start a custom minor mods thread where we can share those minor customizations that people may like that make the script even better, because ultimately ys cant cater to everyone since we all dont share the same taste, im not sure how to keep that thread visible/accessible only to premium members